Wake the Witch
Wake the Witch
| 28 September 2010 (USA)
Wake the Witch Trailers

One hundred years ago, an angry mob, intent on justice for their murdered children, hang the woman they believe is the murderer. They brand her a witch, wrap her body in chains and bury it deep in the woods. Flash forward to the present - when Deb and her friends play a childhood game on the witch's wooded grave, they open the door to death. As her friends and family begin to change into something less than human, Deb struggles to stop the witch's curse. But her search for the truth will reveal an evil beyond her imagination.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
reservoirclerk It's hard to write about this film without sounding like you're picking on the filmmakers. Obviously they were working with a shoestring budget and non-professional crew/actors, and you have to admire the ambition and hard work necessary to undertake the often herculean task of finishing a feature film under those conditions. Even taking those limitations into consideration however, this isn't really much of a movie. The script is rather aimless and contains vast amounts of padding. It seems the filmmakers were more concerned with simply producing a movie than they were with telling any particular story. This is reflected in the technical craftsmanship of the film as well. Scene after scene rolls by without any hint of style or artistic conviction. It doesn't seem like a passion project, but rather a generic product designed to take advantage of the notoriously low standards of the direct-to-video horror niche. Watch something else.
softlovelylips Watching this movie made my eyes bleed. Every moment that passed caused much needed brain cells to erupt. The acting was horrible. The props, camera work, music score, storyline, direction, were garbage. The kindergarten keyboard playing during the "intense" scenes was more than annoying. The dialog between the characters were stupid and nonsensical. These people couldn't act their way out of plastic bag. Who's idea was it to put them in front of a camera? So much is wrong with this film, that it is almost ridiculous to keep going. Shout out to the guy who did the credits! It helps to know who is responsible for such crap.
herbiehusker13 Since the dawn of cinema, certain movies have proved themselves to be masterpieces, worthy not only of repeated viewing, but of the highest praise from all who watch. Sadly, Wake the Witch falls nowhere near this category. In fact, to locate it in the same zip code; neigh, the same hemisphere as that type of distinction would be a gross injustice. To truly understand the depth of the worthlessness of this movie requires one to not only sit through the entire mind-numbing 114 minutes of wasted film, but to also attempt to pay attention for that span of time. Such a task proves impossible for even the most enthusiastic of terrible-movie-enthusiasts.It is one thing for a movie to not reveal its main plot for over an hour. It's an entirely other thing to do so when that plot is pointless, convoluted, and the hour-plus of waiting contains no action. Not only that, but to subject the audience to the added torture of watching the the female lead enter forests, get chased by zombie Abercrombie models, creep through houses, and get hit on by a borderline pedophile time after time after time is simply criminal. The one redeeming quality of this movie is that viewers in Lincoln could recognize some of the filming locations- small comfort, though, considering that if one tried to explain what plot points happened at these locations there would really be no answer besides "I don't know." That this movie is the worst I may ever see is a given, and to say that it is a waste of time is an understatement. Jesus Christ himself would be hard pressed to love anything about this movie other than the fact that it ends.To sum it up concisely, Wake the Witch sucks.
nebrasketball By far the worst movie that I have encountered in my life, wake the witch lacked even the humorous awfulness that Assualt of the Sasquatch possessed. The fact that this was shot in Lincoln is not only embarrassing to the university, but to me personally. This movie had absolutely no plot and 95% of the scenes could have been cut. You are in no way informed of what the movie is even about of where it is heading until the last minute, and even then it is confusing and not really explained. Luckily for the viewer, this movie is 114 minutes long, yep, thats right, close to two hours of absolutely worthless cinema. The scenes that they set up to be scary with the music, lighting, and camera angles, are all cut short before anything even happens. Its like the first few scenes of a paranormal activity movie, without the suspense. The acting is terrible and the cast is not what I would call ....competent The special effects were non existent, and the zombies, for 200 years old, sure were well dressed in their Aeropostal hooded sweatshirts. Its good to see that all of the money for costume and design went to the purchase of fake spider webs at hobby lobby. Which despite popular belief, do not really make movies scarier, just trashier. Overall, this is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. Save yourself 2 hours of distress and watch Frozen instead, at least that has wolf attacks.