Voodoo Moon
Voodoo Moon
| 04 June 2006 (USA)
Voodoo Moon Trailers

Voodoo Moon takes place in the mid-west United States, where a demonic figure murders the entire population of a small town, save for one young boy and his sister. Twenty years later, the boy has been consumed with trying to track the devil down and now he thinks he's found him. His sister is now an artist who has developed psychic abilities which enable her to sense disaster, visions she expresses in her art. The two siblings work together in fighting the devil, and also get the assistance of several people they have helped over the years

Wordiezett So much average
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Xex-Arachnid The Summary title of this feature is a worthy suggestion because not many direct to video's aren't worth the rent.The story has to do with two siblings (brother and sister) who survived a gruesome attack in their small southern town by the denizens turning in out one another. Local authorities claimed it was something in the water or something along those lines that authored this horrible incident but the devil was behind it all as in all the horrible things that happen in this world. The brother goes off learning about various religions to hone his gift to do battle with the horned one who goes by the name Daniel, saving people in his travels so they in turn can help him to do the final battle while his sister grows up to be a very famous and talented artist in New Orleans.The movie itself doesn't focus on the beginnings but rather start off with the brother doing practice runs on satanic incarnations in Haiti under the guidance of his voudoun priest. The dude's advancing until one day, the voudoun priest cast the bones to foretell of horrible events in the states and of course while running to his protégé's shack, he already knows and begins to be off on his quest. His first stop in the states is to reappear in his sister's life, to go along with him to meet his posse of would be disciples? in a hotel, hosted by yours truly, Dee Wallace (of Howling fame) not to far from their old town, which is completely submerged in irrigated water (the reality of that without moving the old town for college kids to go skinny dipping is very questionable.)Now without going too much into spoiler-ville, I will say that this cast has recognizable, barely seen but greatly needed actors like John Amos, Dee Wallace (as mentioned before), the dude who plays the doctor from Yuzna's Re-Annimator series (I forget his name at the moment) and the other guy who plays a local redneck/zombie-ghoul undercover henchman which I'm sure you've seen in plenty of films such as "Way of the Gun."The only complaints I have is that the film didn't go too much into all of the character's backgrounds to explain how and why they came to be the good guys best friend to do battle the devil. For instance, I personally wanted to know what the hell happened to John Amos's character before he get's saved, and I thought Dee was taken out too quickly but I guess it's a rule of thumb to eliminate the weakest characters first. But that aside, it has great fight scenes, gory within needed limits, and the CGI FX was good enough for levitating fight scenes.My favorite part is when one of the girl's (the good guys secret love babe) goes into her past with her being a speed junkie in an occult based biker gang and how the gang performed a ritual where the devil showed up in the barn. I won't go further into the town limits of spoiler-ville but, I thought that was executed nicely.So yes, I say get the movie and warm up your nachos and popcorn because it's good DVD fodder.
caboing Slowest action possible!!! It made me bored. And for a "B" movie this one is not even funny. Poor effects. Overacting from some actors and none from others. Could barely watch it to the end. It did not kept me awake. The plot is boring. Locations? I have not saw one. Did you? It definitely sounded fun to me. "Voodoo Moon" I was expecting something like: "8 Legged Freaks" or "Army of Darkness". And I got something like a Mexican soap "terror" opera with not one zombie in it. Well shoot me in the head, Charisma "got me" to watch it but people this flick is not good even to be a pilot for a TV series. The characters are, mostly "flat" not one stands out, not even the bad guy. Bored, bored.
Death Stalker I really think that 10, maybe 15 years down the line, this movie will be fondly looked upon as a horror classic. I had seen Kevin VanHook's "The Fallen Ones" on SciFi and was quite impressed with it (much more than most of their movies), plus having Jeffrey Combs (a personal all-time favorite since "Re-Animator"), John Amos, and Dee Wallace (along with a great sticker price!) made it a good choice to pick up.This film kicks ass from the opening scenes and doesn't let go until the end. I only wish it had been a bit longer and gone into some greater depth and detail. Kevin VanHook is clearly a fan's filmmaker, and I'm willing to bet he makes movies the way he'd like to see them as a fan. The budget may be relatively low on this one, but the effects are first-rate (which should really be expected, considering that VanHook comes from an effects technician background). VanHook is one filmmaker I'm going to be keeping an eye out for - he may not ever graduate to the big leagues, let's face it, big-name genre directors are few and far between (which is a shame in and of itself), but I'm hoping his writing/directing resume becomes a long one.I highly recommend picking up a copy and sitting down to watch it with a bunch of munchies, as you won't want to pause it to run to the kitchen. My only gripe on the DVD is that there's no Director's Commentary - but it does have a couple of Making Of/Behind-The-Scenes extras.
brahmsviolin I liked the idea of Voodoo Moon and I was particularly excited to see a movie with Charisma Carpenter and John Amos. I was so disappointed! The storyline was incomprehensible. There were elements introduced throughout the movie--an appearance in a graveyard, pictures drawn, and childhood memories--that never added up to anything pertinent to the storytelling. As for the sister, her power was alluded to many times, but never really explained. Worse, the acting stunk. I say this, despite the fact that I adore Charisma Carpenter and respect John Amos. I usually applaud their acting, but that is impossible to do with their lifeless performances in Voodoo Moon. The movie committed the worst possible crime: it bored me. I couldn't keep my attention on it. Many opportunities for suspense are wasted by the director and the actors. There is absolutely nothing to recommend in this film.