Visible Secret
Visible Secret
| 01 June 2001 (USA)
Visible Secret Trailers

A man develops a relationship with a woman who has mysterious supernatural abilities.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM The first thing you will notice about VISIBLE SECRET is its strange sensibilities. Even the film's rhythm is slightly "off", making it very different from the current rash of Hong Kong "I See Ghost" movies of late. Although the premise is overly familiar by now (Shu Qi plays a woman who can see ghosts -- but only with her left eye!), the movie works as an effective human drama (especially the lead's relationship with his brother and father) and as a quirky comedy (the movie is oftentimes very funny). As a ghost story, it falters badly, and there's a twist at the end that, if you weren't asleep during the previous 90 minutes, you can see coming about 50 miles away.One other thing: VISIBLE SECRET has almost no scares in it. There are some attempts at mood and atmosphere, but for the most part the laughs and over-the-top hilarity overcomes the thrills and chills, which comes across as more mundane requisite than anything the filmmakers were interested in putting into their movie.7 out of 10(go to for a more detailed review of the film, and reviews of other movies in this genre)
ETCmodel02 SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!!Hsu Chi and Sam Lee are fun to watch, and for the most part this film is fun and clever. The attempt at the end to pull a Sixth Sense turnabout fails horribly, too many plot contradictions, seems like an afterthought invoked late in the production. At least this film has a playful sense of style, and doesn't over saturate every scene in shades of lime green. The possessed characters are wonderfully over the top.
peterlopez Well, I saw this movie during the last San Sebastian Film Festival. The reaction to it was...let's say as funny as the movie unintetionally is. It happened that they showed a copy with terribly wrong spanish subtitles. They seemed to be a translation from chinese to english and then to spanish. It was all confusing, the genders were switched (girls appeared as boys and boys as girls), and my friends and I remember great lines... but because they were so absurd. All in all not a good movie, but if they ever show it on tv, and you have nothing to do, and if you want to laugh (again, not so much with the movie) then go ahead, "Visible secret" is your film.
noshit! Visible Secret's directed and produced by one of the greatest living film-makers, Ann Hui. Ann's won numerous awards - best director, best film, etc. - and if you aren't acquainted with her, well, go see Visible Secret and you'll know why she's so good.The leads are pretty good. Say what you like, Shu Qi - the sex-pot - is a good actress. I particularly liked her in the early karaoke scene.But look out for the supporting actress Hui Ying Hong, the mother of a little boy called Hsiao Hsung in the movie. She's a famous Hong Kong actress with real kung fu skills. Here, she's not called on to display her fighting prowess, but, boy, can she act. In one scene, you can literally see the veins on her temple popping out, so intense yet natural is her facial expression; it reminds me of Lawrence Fishburne's very fine facial expressions as Morpheus in The Matrix, when he was interrogated by Agent Smith.Visible Secret is an intelligent movie - you've got to concentrate on the plot or you won't understand the ending. Everything ties together at the end, and if you understand it THEN - I couldn't, and a friend had to explain to me certain aspects of the movie even after a second viewing - you'll agree the story's superb.Though principally a horror movie, Visible Secret has some of the finest comedic moments I've ever seen on the silver screen. I caught it at preview, and the audience appreciated one funny moment so much a few persons actually applauded.Visible Secret's a real scary movie. And the best thing is, it doesn't rely on sudden, loud sounds to frighten you, which the lousy horror flicks resort to.Incidentally, the poster for the movie, which shows a row of seated people in an underground train, was banned by the MTR in Hong Kong as being too scary. I don't think the poster's too scary, but I do think it's very clever. The tagline "What's that sitting next to you?" is eye-catching.Watch out for the movie's play with sounds. It's nearly as good as The Ring in its use of sound to create an eerie mood. Incidentally, I don't know of any director who uses sound as well as Ann. PAY ATTENTION TO HER USE OF SOUND.One of the hallmarks of good movie direction is proper pacing. Director Ann excels at it.The original score is excellent.Many of the scenes are hauntingly beautiful.I believe Visible Secret will go down in movie history like Gattaca - good but underrated. Don't be put off by anyone who's seen the movie and says it's lousy - they just don't get it.Go see Visible Secret. You won't be disappointed. 10/10