R | 10 May 1998 (USA)
Vipers Trailers

When Simon, a ruggedly handsome caretaker, takes a job at the lavish estate of world-renowned L.A. plastic surgeon, Dr. Trent Bortz, little does he suspect that he has stumbled into a nest of Vipers. But this ex-martial arts fighter discovers appearances can be truly deceiving.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
augustian This has got to be one of the best erotic thrillers ever made. The three leading ladies, especially Michelle Von Flotow set the screen ablaze with their sex scenes. Forget the plot - that's just an excuse to join the sex scenes together. Alright then, if you must know, a bored rich housewife (Flotow) is neglected by her accountant husband who would rather pore over his figures than paw her figure. Go figure! Into this mix comes the hunky caretaker who takes care of her every need, and how! Add to this a sexy daughter and a maid who is having an affair with the husband and you have the ingredients for some hot action.This is probably director Eric Gibson's best work. The film starts off with the husband (Morgan Daniel) and Rosa the maid (Taimie Lynn Hannum) engaged in alfresco sex and from then on never lets up, except for the plot and we can forget that. The best scene in my opinion is the one in which Burke Morgan and Michelle Von Flotow first get together. It is actually a very tender scene with appropriately soft music. There is also a foursome scene with the caretaker and all three leading ladies. On the downside, the use of saxophone music in some scenes was too heavy-handed and the final scene was over too quickly. Apart from those two minor faults, this film is definitely recommended. This review was for the UK version which runs for 92 minutes.
kifaru Kudos from the outset to the writer and director for keeping this one in familiar territory. The plot is pretty simple: young out-of-work stud finds job at posh mansion owned by wealthy jerk with lonely wife. Add adultery, murder and a couple of red herrings, shake gently, roll the credits.The women are, of course, the attraction here. All handle their respective roles well. In point of fact, they could each have pulled off the other roles. In any event, they are the stars, and the cameraman knows it.The men are, as men usually are in these movies, slightly dense and pretty much self-serving. The hubby isn't happy being married and chases after the maid. The stud not only goes running after the wife, and eventually the daughter from the hubby's previous marriage, but has a very entertaining fantasy in which all three women jump in bed with him (Yeah, that was germane to the plot). Neither man sees the swerves and dangers right in front of them. Oh well, why spoil a good ride.In short, "Vipers" is a basic tale of lust, greed and double-cross. It leans toward film noir, but lacks the dark texture. The scenery is great, especially Shayna Ryan. It is worth a look if you're in the mood for escapist entertainment that doesn't tax the brain cells.
babeulous There's a version of this movie ("Dark Passion") in the video stores with the sex scenes cut down to a few seconds each. Basically, they fade out as soon as they get started. The picture is rather pointless without them.
Slick-62 This is a movie that shows why a made-for-cable flick works. It has good-looking actors and more importantly, HOT actresses!! The plot isn't likely to fool or surprise anyone even remotely into movies, but for what it's worth, here's the summary- Morgan gets a job as a caretaker/gardener at Michelle von Flotow's place and he of course gets into an affair with her, unbeknownst to her surgeon husband. The jerk husband has a daughter from his first marriage, played by Shayna Ryan, who runs back from college and doesn't have much to do except a couple of hot love scenes. Also, ex-Playboy playmate Taimie Hannum's here, playing Rosa, the maid. She's a bonafied hottie, and gets to show off her incredibly sexy body in two hot love scenes with the surgeon guy!! Anyway, Michelle apparently gets threatening letters from a mysterious source, and convinced that it's from her husband, tries to get Morgan to kill him. That's as far as the story goes, but who cares? All anyone cares about is the sex and there's plenty of it, especially between von Flotow and Burke Morgan. These two have about six very, very hot and passionate scenes that burn up the screen! They have real chemistry between them. There's also a HOT foursome sex scene with all the women and Burke Morgan!! There's more than enough love scenes here to keep fans of such movies happy.