Urban Explorer
Urban Explorer
| 08 September 2011 (USA)
Urban Explorer Trailers

Anxious to explore the mysterious hidden world under metropolitan Berlin, an international group of four urban explorers hires a local guide, Kris, who leads them into the maze of escape tunnels and subterranean fortifications under the city. When their guide has a bad fall, two of the girls in the group frantically set off to seek help while Denis, the young American, stays behind. Armin, a former East German border guard suddenly appears from nowhere. Out of sheer desperation, Denis allows Armin to lead them and their unconscious guide to safety and it is at this moment that Denis realizes he has just made the biggest mistake of his life!

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
kush-06817 If there ever were a movie that sucked at royally everything, it'd have to be this movie.The cast dying at the hands of the villain would make you feel relieved.. There is stupidity and then there is extreme masochism. Without saying anything else id just advise to skip this disaster.
movieswithgreg OK, here's the deal. The only way you're going to think this is a good movie is if you're a fanboy of the so-called horror genre, because only fanboys will overlook all the obvious shortcomings of this low-budget, simplistic, psycho-with-no-name killer, cat and mouse game in the dank, initially foreboding, but ultimately monotonous tunnels of Berlin, where the usual pretty boys and pretty girls make an underground mountain of illogical, counter-intuitive, anti-survival decisions that lead to conclusions you no longer care much about, which in my case, stopped about ten minutes after they encountered their coveralled boogeyman with his inexplicable glaring and exaggerated gesturing. The violence is jumbled through cheat-cut closeups more commonly associated with high school production values, albeit a bit slicker. To call this a "classic," or "best of anything," is to make a sad admission about how uninteresting and unvaried that the modern whore-or genre really is. This is just another also-rans unimpressive, un-psychological chapter in the apocrypha of male-virgin eye candy that frighten only the most unsophisticated of shut-in teens.
movieman_kev A group of people take in an underground tour of the tunnels beneath Berlin. All is going relatively well until their fairly enigmatic guide suffers an unfortunate accident. If being lost in these deep, dark, endless maze of tunnels weren't bad enough, they also happen upon a deranged nut-case/former border guard.I thought I was in for yet another low-budget, badly acted horror flick of little real value, but as the movie wore on, I found, much to my surprise, it to be fairly well done. Highly derivative, but well done nonetheless. I actually found myself caring if these characters survived or not, no small feat as most of these type of films have such one-dimensional cardboard characters that I usually can't be bothered. Which I guess is also true here to some extent, but I was drawn into the story regardless.
Jason VanMason If all you want is a spooky movie with monsters and atmospheric settings, this is as good as any. If you expect anything like a logical story, well, maybe not so good. The film depends on a common misconception; every big city has endless tunnels beneath and they are all connected as well as lost and forgotten. And this is nonsense. Unlike Paris which has quarries beneath it, most cities do not have anything like a connected maze of tunnels. And most tunnels, even abandoned subway stations, are used for something and are well documented.This film, like others of its type, substitutes basements or even abandoned factories with their windows covered for underground areas. One look at the brickwork of these phony tunnels is enough to reveal the sets are ordinary locations dressed as spooky tunnels. The huge size of many of the locations should tip off the viewer that they are seeing nothing more mysterious than an old warehouse.And our explorers are totally unprepared for their adventure. The have no hardhats, no first aid kit, no proper clothing, nothing but a few dinky flashlights. If not for their "guide" somehow toting 5 sets of rubber waders in his tiny backpack they would never have made it through a flooded tunnel. We are further told that scrawny teens can climb 50 feet, hand over hand, on a thin rope. And thats up and down. Small wonder the actual climbing is not shown! And of course the abandoned tunnels are full of improbable characters who survive on.....what....rats? If you like to suspend your disbelief totally, you will probably enjoy this film. But if, like me, obvious plot holes spoil the experience you may wish you watched something else.
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