| 25 April 2009 (USA)
Unstable Trailers

After an abusive, dangerous relationship, a wealthy pampered new bride who has been under psychiatric care for mental issues is either sabotaging herself and her husband or her new husband is rapidly making her unstable.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Prismark10 Lifetime decides to do an updated version of Gaslight. Shiri Appleby is Megan who is recovering from a mental breakdown. She comes from a wealthy family, her father is in the security business and she has been supported in her recovery by her mother and step sister.She gets caught up in a whirlwind romance with a nice guy bank clerk Woody (David Alpay) but soon after she gets married puzzling things happen such as things being misplaced which makes her doubt her sanity.Megan believes to doubt her husband and thinks she is sabotaging her life and making her believe she is unstable again but for what purpose? Even her family are unsure of her mental state.This is very much a run of the mill Lifetime thriller. It kind of feels and looks low key and cheap. Decent enough performances although Kathy Baker is wasted. The film never manages to be even average though.
thiottiowt For those who said they "knew" what was going to happen, and that this film was "predictable," you really aren't saying much. Put it this way, whenever a plot line asks : "Is she really crazy or being sabotaged," common sense tells you there would be no movie if Shiri Appleby was just "Unstable" and that was it. Truthfully, the villains managed to conceal their plot until very deeply into the movie,and that's why I enjoyed it.Lifetime Network basically gives you two hours, so only with rare excepted productions is the plot line NOT going to have predictable elements. It's a meme that human beings tend to write things where GOOD wins out over EVIL. So if you're not expecting too much from a 2 hour film, then you can sit back and enjoy what's going on. I think David Alpay's performance was nice and right up to the edge of what was going to be "allowed" within the limitations of a GOOD vs. EVIL scenario. I was kind of mixed up towards the end because even though it was likely Appleby's character was going to re-appear, why did it look like her family was grieving? I remembered the micro camera and saw how the step daughter was being recorded unaware, but that little part tripped me up a little. Nice film overall, though.
CranberriAppl It's pretty clear that this movie is inspired by 'Gaslight,' only unlike that movie, there's no suspense here. As soon as the mom explained that the blonde was not biologically-related to any of them, I knew she would be involved. I wanted to like this movie. I am generally not a fan of Lifetime (too many sex,murder, and man-hating movies...I'm a woman, btw). But I like Shiri as an actress, so I tuned in. I was sooo hoping that Lifetime would pull a 'Suspicion' and not a 'Gaslight.' But they let me down. It was too predictable. Nothing more to say than that. Everything that you think this movie will do, it does.
edwagreen Thriller about a new bride who has had mental problems. She weds a bank teller and the fun really begins.Megan and Woody are our lovely couple. Unfortunately, not exactly lovely.When I saw this film, the 1944 hit "Gaslight" with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer immediately came to mind.This new film succeeds because it is paced extremely well and you are left wondering if Megan is really off her rocker or is there a conspiracy involving all or some family members.After a while, things are happening in such rapid succession that you begin to wonder that all is not kosher with the newlyweds. What's going on with the blouse, the cell keys, the phone, emailing private business to others, and all other sorts of mayhem?Kathy Baker stars as our victim's mother. She does the best she can with a script that really limits her role.