Unlocking DaVinci's Code
Unlocking DaVinci's Code
| 10 August 2004 (USA)
Unlocking DaVinci's Code Trailers

Centuries of conspiracy unmasked in this documentary! Discover the hidden meaning inside the greatest art in history as host Patrick MacNee reveals the secrets to the strange riddles and clues within the masterpieces of Leonardo DaVinci. Revealed for the first time ever on DVD, the controversial link between Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and Leonardo DaVinci. Explore the secret society that includes DaVinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli and Victor Hugo. Unlocking DaVinci's Code reveals the greatest mysteries of our time and the greatest secrets of our past.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Syl Host Patrick Macnee (who should be knighted by now but that's another forum) provides a clear, concise history of Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous artist created the Last Supper and Mona Lisa. In this documentary which was probably inspired by the craze regarding Dan Brown's book about the Da Vinci Code, the documentary goes into detail about how the ideas formed from the Knights Templars to the Gnostic Gospels which were priceless in itself. For those of us who are interested in biblical scholar, this documentary is quite effective without being so overwrought with details and information. The experts are quite excellent in explaining the information about the theories and the life of the time.
thevoicepro Not that it was awful, it was just - useless. I saw lots of supposition about supposed traditions, which by the way, have little or no standing in real history. But of course, there could not have been any code in DaVinci's work unless it was put there from a much later time that knows about back masking and making something out of lots of gibberish nothings. It was VERY unfortunate that one with the credibility and class of Patrick McKnee was shouldered with the host position. The lack of class in production of the piece, the lack of accurate historical evidence and the lack of a clear line from the offered "evidence" to the conclusion (that there is a connection between DaVinci and a code secreted in his work, etc.) is very bad. It kills what little class McKnee lent to the piece and absolutely destroyed the credibility that was pleaded for by the author. In short, fiction is just that : fiction. Lies and made up "truth" are just that ; lies and made up "truth", no matter how nicely they are dressed. Do not waste your time, unless you enjoy fiction and like seeing supposed intellectuals posing as grown ups while they make utter fools of themselves. How terribly unfortunate.
wingedwords7 Watching this movie, I would say it is done in an insightful manner. The overview, sources, and sweeping range of explanations concerning DaVinci's work and more is inspiring. As a closer look at information handed down and accepted previously as fact, Unlocking does a deft job. At first watch, the multiple topics winding in various directions is a bit of a spiral. However, the academic approach to history, many sources with a critical perspective, creates a strong foundation of discovery between God's truth and Man's truth. In the end, the discerning twists become the movie's strength. Viewing spurred a spark for more and research beyond. For that simple fact, I highly recommend this movie to the intellectually and spiritually curious. Not too shabby for an hour's worth of entertainment. Oh and Mr. Macnee is a great narrator!
mofoinc Don't waste your money or hope that you held on to you receipt cause this is just horrible. For the first 10 minutes Davinci's art is talked about, nothing groundbreaking, no unlocking of any codes, then for the rest of the documantary(40 Min's) they use the last supper and some secret club that Leo was apart of to be the transition about wither or not Jesus had any kids and if there was a holy grail and honest to god Davinci's name isn't mentioned again til the final comments by the host which goes something like this: 'well we've come along way from Leonardo Davinci to the lost scriptures of the holy testament. Did Davinci have secret knowledge about Jesus? We'll probably never know' The End. The END?! this has nothing to do with anything. the re-enactments are soooo dumb at one point there's this thing about a french priest being given money to make over his church back in the 1800's and he's handed American paper money! They show some ancient knights that were suppose to have unearthed the grail and they all had neatly trimmed beards, they showed 'middle eastern' men(one who's name was Mohammad Ali) digging up a vase in the desert but they were all old white dude's speaking English. This movie made me sad cause i spend money to watch it, which, because i bought it at walmart ill be able to get back, the hour of my life i spent watching it, however, is gone for good.