| 26 March 1996 (USA)
Undertow Trailers

After his car breaks down, Jack seeks shelter, lost in a thunderstorm in a remote shack in the woods. He finds himself held at gunpoint by a deranged mountain man who lives there with his young wife. As the storm rages on, tension mounts in the small cabin. Matters reach a climax when Jack falls for the beautiful woman and tries persuading her to escape with him. Soon, the situation escalates into deadly violence...

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
SnoopyStyle Jack Ketchum (Lou Diamond Phillips) loses control and crashes his car in the deep woods during a driving rainstorm. He is brought to a cabin with the Yates. Lyle Yates (Charles Dance) is a gun-totting paranoid mountain man. His woman Willie (Mia Sara) is demure and painfully quiet. A hurricane is coming to wash out everything but Lyle refuses to evacuate. Then everything gets confused like Lyle.I watch this to see Mia Sara and also noticed the Kathryn Bigelow writing credit. It holds a bit of promise at the start as a disturbing three person play. However the movie falls apart along with everything else during the storm. LDP has always had this manufactured intensity to me. He tries to act tough rather than simply be tough especially during this time in his career. I rather have Ketchum be weaker and more of a city dweller. Lyle's craziness is too random. The romance is too abrupt and melodramatic. A simple psychological thriller turns messy and confused.
chrissage just below the surface lies what? a simply awful movie is what.as other viewers have justifiably commented, the storm sequences are just plain ridiculous. chopping already sodden firewood in the pouring rain? now that's smart. menace? foreboding? sexual tension? for those read dull & contrived, dull & contrived and dull & overly contrived.i want to say thank god for mia sara's shower scene but in retrospect i think the producers of the film, having seen the completed mess realised that they had to put something in to make it half way worthwhile at all. so it just becomes yet another contrivance. do yourself a favour and give this a miss.
biker45 I sat through this turkey because I hadn't seen it before, and because the premise sounded like it had potential. It was mildly entertaining until the hurricane sequence. At the height of the storm, the wind is strong enough to blow windows out of the house, yet the trees in the background are perfectly upright and not a leaf is moving! In fact, when the characters move outside the house, bright sunlight is visible illuminating the treetops. At that point, whatever credence the filmmakers had developed evaporated faster than the highly localized rain in their film. Too bad all hurricanes aren't like this one, it would surely help our homeowners insurance rates here in the Sunshine State.
Alex-372 This is one strange movie, because it has two great names writing and directing it, Kathryn Bigelow (Near Dark) and Eric Red (The Hitcher). It's almost as if some one said: how can we make the leanest, most effective thriller? This is a movie with literally only three actors (3), no extras and the carpenters and assistant carpenters outnumber them more than 2 to 1. As well, this movie, even though it is supposedly located somewhere in "The Carolinas", is shot on location in Latvia (maybe that's why they only flew over 3 actors). This shack could have been anywhere, though, they never needed to leave Hollywood. The major problem with this movie is that the theme has been done to death (hapless traveller drives through the country side, a car breaking down and is scooped up by the locals - where have we seen that before? Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, Deliverance, Children Of The Corn...). Anyway, the actors do what they can and there are some suspenseful moments, but they're not sustained until the end of the movie. Cliches abound.