| 13 May 1995 (USA)
Underground Trailers

A group of Serbian socialists prepares for the war in a surreal underground filled by parties, tragedies, love and hate.

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
richard-47096 Both a tragedy and a comedy this movie is a must see for everyone who likes this genre. I've seen it a dozen times and it still makes me laugh out loud. The casting is really well done. The plot turn is surprising. And the gypsy style music of Goran Bregovic is lifting the movie to a higher level. After seeing this movie I became a big fan of his complete oeuvre as well as of the music by Goran Bregovic. I play it all the time, and it's perfect music for weddings and funerals (as one of his album is called).
Per Johnsen I occasionally refer to my personal top 100 list of films. Underground is a true masterpiece and No.2 on that list, only beaten by a somehow underrated, let the also stunning Bad Boy Bubby. I frankly have hard to believe there ever will be produced films of their format anymore, still I hope to be wrong about that. If anyone could do it, it's Underground's director Emir Kusturica.The film is working as a large satiric metaphoric live screen painting of the history of Yugoslavia, and was also made as a tribute during the Balkan War, and a definite anti war epic poem. Not unlike the also brilliant film Goodbye Lenin it's in a manner based on people still believing in the past, that the world hasn't really changed. And in this film their lives are also happening according to the story's title. I will avoid spoilers, but only state that this film creation is only made possible due to Kusturica's genius and taste for the best of Balkan culture. He is working the great lot of amazing, almost unbelievable characters, into a story so wild and full of symbols, it's sometimes hard to breath. The scenography and pictures are more than stunning, and together with crazy choreography and the most vivid Serbian brass music, it all culminates into a higher form of art, beyond normal film and theater. It simply is impossible not to both laugh and cry.If I could give it 12 stars I would, so if you haven't seen Underground, go for it as soon as possible. And get as many as possible to join you. If you didn't like or understand it, try again or I recommend you to quit watching film. Just now I've got a DVD copy and am really looking forward to see it again.
Wim Boeren As it is, the 170 min version, is simply not finished. It goes from one scene to another and seems to be missing a LOT of scenes. The movie and the story lack much needed context. Now, I've read that the original movie was supposed to be about 5 hours long and the director had to cut more then 2 hours. How can you expect to still have a comprehensive movie when you have to cut almost half of the content? There's a 5 hour long mini-series which aired in Serbia. I hope that it becomes available because I can truly imagine this to be a masterpiece... if all the pieces are present that is. As it stands now, there's not much else I can tell you, I don't have enough knowledge about it to truly know what the movie is about.
Greekguy I struggled to explain to my sister why this was my ideal film. I showed it to her, pointed out my favourite moments and still she asked why I chose this film, so my choice might be more personal than I realise. But I'll try again: this exceptional film examines both how we fail as individuals and how we fail as a species, and yet it does so with an embracing enthusiasm for the other aspects of our humanity. The music is stunning, the acting is sublime, the characterizations are fully realised and believable, and the absurdity of what we watch unfold is never truly impossible. We are watching examples of misbehaving human beings and acknowledging, all along the way, that we recognize this behaviour. This film is a metaphor, but it is never detached from what its subject or its message - that history is a curse that comes to certain places at certain times and interrupts the natural flow of whom we could be without the extravagance of either ideology or self-interest.