Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
| 15 June 2007 (USA)
Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion Trailers

Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion is a 2007 documentary film featuring interviews with pro-life activists across the United states. Its tagline is, "How the pro-lifers are winning". The film was started as a thesis project by students Stephen Fell and Will Thompson of Rice University. The film chronicles major events such as the annual March for Life and the 2004 March for Women's Lives, and features interviews with members of the Army of God and other pro-life activists.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
vitalymakievsky Though this film has some interesting emotionally charged footage overall is boring. The people interviewed in the film have very little to say and often repeat themselves. Their only point is that they think the late-term abortions are gross to look at. Nevertheless, this film may be worth watching on instant viewing if you click through most of the repetitive material, for a few interesting clips. There are a lot of talking heads that say the same thing. Furthermore, what they have to say is mostly telling you what to believe and think without much elaboration or any meaningful philosophical content.Did I mention that this film repeats itself a lot?
solidmarbleyes This is not a Michael Moore documentary. The information presented in this film is NOT spoon fed to you, and it cannot be viewed with the expectation of being easy to watch. This film forces you to reconsider everything you know about abortion. This film requires you to hear all, see all, and form your own opinion after the credits roll. While the views of the filmmakers are probably more "pro-choice" than "pro-life", much more attention is paid to the pro-life side of the issue. Keep in mind that this is hardly ever used in an offensive or mocking way, but rather in a way that is respected, fair, and representative of the Pro-Life community. That is what makes the film so unique- it's ability to spend the majority of the film on the side of Pro-Life but still end up balancing out and forcing YOU, the audience, to make your own decisions. This film will move you. This film is essential for everyone to witness. It is unique in its power to make both pro-life and pro-choice activists question their beliefs. It is one of the most unbiased films I have ever had the honor to experience, and it should not be approached with any expectations. Allow the film to present to you everything it offers, which is an extensive range of opinions and facts, and be aware that it blurs the line between life and choice almost past the point of distinction. Life and choice are no longer so clear. You can no longer rely on the beliefs of your political affiliation to tell you what is humane and what is immoral. In this day and age of technology and the spread of information, independent opinions need to be formed. If you seek knowledge and information, watch this film. If you are looking for a film to breeze through, save it for another day. But come back to it and remember that it is beneficial both to people who consider themselves "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice". See for yourself and do what the documentary encourages- find your own knowledge and follow it both with passion and understanding.
real_hiflyer In response to a previous offering 'How many of the zealots protesting abortion have taken a child from a stopped abortion into their family? Probably few.It is hypocritical to encourage these babies to be born and not participate in the support of them.'Are you using the lack of support anti-abortionists offer to full term babies as justification for killing them? It is hard to interpret it any other way.Does 'probably few'mean you don't know? Wouldn't it make more sense to check on how many people would love to adopt a baby before offering a reason that isn't? Would 'discussion of over-population' perhaps be more appropriately a forum for problems in the customs of third world countries and the worlds unfair and uncaring distribution of wealth? Isn't man's contribution to global warming a problem based on greed, distribution of wealth yet again, and how we acquire what we need rather than anything to do with abortion? For those of us who feel life begins when a baby is conceived and detest the justification of abortion on anything other than danger to the health of the mother to be called 'zealots', a word adopted to derogatorily describe this point of view, offers an insult veiled within a statement. From the comments you offer, I can't possibly imagine a film of this subject and title, introducing so many issues having nothing to do with what it seems to be about. Your arguments make little sense and are so scattered and disjointed you really must have written your comments in a haze of preconception without much thought or consideration. Please apply love to a position or else these kinds of comments might be the death of, literally, another person's opportunity to affect positive change and not destruction.
ddunn-2 For a film that I thought was supposed to reflect more of the pro-choice position, this film lends most of the screen time to comments from anti-choice activists. I suppose one is left to see the weakness in the anti-choice positions. Some strong arguments in favor of choice would have made it a better film.> How many of the zealots protesting abortion have taken a child from a stopped abortion into their family? Probably few. It is hypocritical to encourage these babies to be born and not participate in the support of them.> Some discussion of over-population and global warming would have been helpful.> For those of us who feel life begins only when a fetus is viable outside this womb would have liked that position to have been presented.> Some argument as to why late term abortions are sometimes medically necessary would have been helpful.If you are pro-choice, you may find much of this film lacking.