Tyrannical Love
Tyrannical Love
| 10 July 2005 (USA)
Tyrannical Love Trailers

Tyrannical Love is a film about the quirkiness of life and love when you are no longer a kid but not quite an adult. There is something for everyone in this ensemble piece about a close knit group of friends and the events that take place on New Years 1999. Most people believe that finding love is the greatest thing than can ever hapen to you, but some believe it is nothing but a fascist dictator that rules over your life.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
dreamweb_girl My friends and I watched this movie about two weeks ago, I'm not a big fan of NZ movies but this one is brilliant. I'm always seeing NZ films about the other side of the culture here. I'm not meaning to insult anyone as all films are loved by the people they speak to. This was like my own life, the characters and where the scenes took place. I could pick holes in the obvious things I guess people on this site look at but I won't. I think I'm in love with one of the actors too, I've tried looking for info on him but nothing. Alass! unless they are on Shortland street they don't exist. Anyway I love romantic films, so go get your box of chocolates and tissues.
sassenach56 I enjoyed this film. It was a good slice of young Auckland life and fairly reflects a typical difficulty confronted by young adults as they try to discover what is important to them in their relationships and friends. The cat scene was a welcome change and cute. The domestic violence conclusion was cleverly played out and appropriate. I liked the performances of the actors. Female actresses gave strong performances. I liked the directors comments, these should not be missed by any aspiring young film directors out there. A bit too much vomiting at the beginning for me. Music was effectively interwoven through the story. Hopefully this group will receive encouragement from funding providers to continue with this good work.
gryphonskydancer Watching this movie felt like I was watching a slice out of my own life, or what I sometimes wish my life could have been. I know that everyone's entitled to their own opinion about a movie but in this case you really should look beyond the low budget and actually look at the time and effort put into this film. I found it to be really compelling and I loved the characterizations of some of the people in it - they could almost have been people that I know, just larger than life.Perhaps I was lucky in that I caught it on the big screen as part of the film festival, something about that made it a winner with me, I've since seen it on DVD and I don't think it lost anything in translation.Well done guys, I'm looking forward to the next project.