Two-Gun Lady
Two-Gun Lady
NR | 15 October 1955 (USA)
Two-Gun Lady Trailers

A young woman teaches herself to become a sharpshooter so she can hunt down the three men who murdered her parents. She finds a sheriff who is willing to help her track them down.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Micransix Crappy film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
bkoganbing Lack of production values in this rather grim B western prevent me from giving it a higher rating, but this film might very well have been the inspiration for the Sharon Stone classic, The Quick And The Dead. A whole lot of B character players got into this film that lacks star power to say the least.Peggie Castle plays the Sharon Stone part. As a child she saw her parents killed by the nasty father and son team of Francis McDonald and Earle Lyon. They run the valley and also abuse the daughter they have played by Barbara Turner. The two also have fast draw contests held at Robert Lowery's saloon where Marie Windsor reigns supreme among the dance hall girls. That's where Castle comes in, she's trained for years as a fast draw artist giving exhibitions like Annie Oakley. All in the hope of facing and getting rid of McDonald and Lyon.William Talman has the Russell Crowe part, he's another itinerant fast draw artist who comes to town. He's got his own agenda as far as Lyon and McDonald are concerned.Joe Besser best known for a short stay with the Three Stooges plays a dramatic part here as Castle's manager. He's an alcoholic and Castle is concerned he spill the beans on the real purpose of her arrival in that town. It's a real revelation for those who only think of Joe Besser as a burlesque comedian.Two Gun Lady is one misnomer since no one packs two sidearms in this film. Still it's an interesting western that will pique the interest if seen.
mryerson This is not a B movie, it's a b movie. Veterans Robert Lowery and Marie Windsor must have cringed every time they saw this 'vehicle' scheduled on the late, late, late show. This one screams 'cheese' from the opening credits. Ed Wood move over. Super cheap, nearly non-existent production values, somnambulistic direction and editing, canned music and shop worn props, all in slightly overexposed black-and-white. The plot, such as it is, deals with a revenge tale of gunslinger/trick shot artist Peggy Castle (here artfully utilizing both of her facial expressions; angry and more-angry), snarling her way through assorted heavies, hunting for the baddies who killed her parents and burned down the family homestead. She meets up with somewhat undercover Federal Marshal William Talman, and they grudgingly form a tepid bond which is meant to pass for an adult relationship but plays here more like the director (Richard Bartlett, in a bravura performance) didn't want to monkey around with all that lovey-dovey stuff. Don't want to give away the WOW ending but don't miss Marie Windsor's unscheduled appearance in one scene, simply walking onto a hot set and then visibly realising what she'd done, flouncing out again as though she forgot something or Lowery's hesitant, sleepy delivery of his lines in the 'face-off in the barroom' scene, he seems to be pausing for effect, and pausing and pausing, but what I think was really going on was he couldn't believe his career had come to this and wanted future film students to savor the beyond-atrocious dialogue. That Windsor's literal misstep and Lowery's near-trancelike delivery weren't edited out and both appear in the final cut, says all you need to know about Two-Gun Lady. And just think, these people got paid for this thing. I hope none of them took the points.
Michael O'Keefe Even calling this a B movie is stretching it some. Typical dusty western about a young woman(Peggie Castle)who happens to be a very good shot with both pistol and rifle putting on shooting demonstrations while she hunts down her parents murderer. Has all the appearances of being a low budget "quickie". One character(Marie Windsor) accidentally walks into a scene she wasn't suppose to. She leaves as quick as she enters. The same character later awkwardly tries to wrestle a pistol from a bad man. Also in the cast are:William Talman and Robert Lowery.
VernC Amazing what will make it into release sometimes. This one ranks with anything that Ed Wood ever put together. Marie Windsor walked into a shot that she was not in and scurried off. It's in the finished film. Even the usually reliable B stalwart Robert Lowery comes off like an amateur. Fun to see in a theater full of college students.