Twilight Man
Twilight Man
| 31 December 1995 (USA)
Twilight Man Trailers

Jordan Cooper, a professor in Durham, has everything going for him. A beautiful girlfriend named Kathy, a good job and a nice place to live. But when he goes for his annual check up, things go wrong. Someone is tampering with his computer files and all his tests are bad. He is admitted to the hospital and dragged off to the county hospital late that night for a brain operation that he does not need. His electronic records are changing. He gets cable he did not order and then his girlfriend is murdered in his car. Someone is trying to ruin the life of Cooper, and he has to find out who and why before the police catch up to him.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Theo Robertson !!!! SPOILERS !!!!Nice to see some of the comments on this page point out that TWILIGHT MAN falls apart if you think about it too much . I`m amazed that more people haven`t pointed out the ridiculous amount of plot holes since this one very dumb movie Tim Matheson plays Jordan Cooper whose home is under secret survillence by Hollis Dietz ( Dean Stockwell ) who has managed to hack into every aspect of Cooper`s life and there`s no explanation as to how a computer hacker managed to get all these hidden cameras into Cooper`s home , in fact it`s insinuated that if you`re a computer expert you can hack into an electric alarm clock and turn it into a close circuit TV . Wow Bill Gates must know the ins and outs of my life in that case So any way Cooper goes on the run after being falsely accused of murder with Dietz on his trail and we`re treated to more and more unlikely events and dialogue one example being when Cooper needs information from a woman whose husband experienced the same thing she says " I`m sure you`re a very nice young man " . Young man ? I looked up Mastheson`s profile on this site and he was born in 1947 which makes him 49 years old when this movie was made which is hardly young . I guess the producers had a much younger actor in mind for the lead but no one bothered to modify the dialogue after Matheson was cast . There`s also a ridiculous plot twist later one in the scene where Cooper spots a photograph of a woman who turns out to be his mother . The script is full of these unlikely coincidences , but perhaps the most unlikely event is when Cooper meets a woman on a train which leads to them getting a room together ( We`d all holiday in America if its women were that sociable ) and she asks him if he really killed his girlfriend . Cooper says he didn`t and she believes him - Until news reports claim Cooper may be a serial killer and it`s only then she phones the police which led me to ask why she thought he was innocent of one murder but not several others ? So we`ve got a dumb movie that is obviously inspired by THE FUGITIVE . I didn`t like this movie at all due to umpteen unexplained occurances
pfgpowell Given that the US market is so much bigger and thus the financial rewards are so much greater, Hollywood has far greater resources for producing films. So it is a shame that it cannot produce far better films than this. Forget the gaping holes in a plot which seems to have been cobbled together by the cast-offs of the B team and the melodramatic direction and you have a visually sumptuous looking movie with high production values. So why waste all the talent which has gone into making this film on dumb garbage? Dean Stockwell hams it up opposite a wannabe Harrison Ford in a story the makes absolutely no sense with the now obligatory intelligent and humane black character to satisfy the PCs. I have better things to do with my time.
Jill-68 This movie is well-edited, with plenty of atmosphere and great camera shots; unfortunately, you could drive a truck through the loopholes in the script. My 11 yr. old spotted a glaring inconsistency right away...which tells you something. The female lead lets the bad guy into her apartment; "Why is she doing that?!" my kid demands. "Because she doesn't know what he looks like," I respond (being the non-observant, gullible mom that I am). "Yes, she does! He was the Cable Guy!" So I'm left realizing that I would probably let the bad guy in, too. Sigh. I stayed with this movie until the end, and kinda enjoyed it. But I wouldn't watch it again. Not unless I had my kid around to save me from bad plot devices.
helpless_dancer Farfetched tale of a computer geek who uses an elaborate online system to take over another man's entire history. He then frames the man for a pair of crimes that he had no knowledge of which leads to a big manhunt and, of course, the big showdown in the end. Nothing new, but still an enjoyable film.