Turn Left, Turn Right
Turn Left, Turn Right
| 11 August 2003 (USA)
Turn Left, Turn Right Trailers

An aspiring violinist and a professional translator live parallel lives and appear to be perfect for each other, but somehow fate seems to keep them apart. Living in different units of the same apartment building, they never meet, because when they leave, one turns left, and one turns right.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
ichocolat Heung joh chow heung yau chow (Turn Left, Turn Right) is a heart-warming love story. There I said it. o0o0ps I gotta write a minimum of 10 lines? Alright, here goes.It's a story of two person, who met in school & then lost contact, then met some few years after, only to lost contact again. Weird, but fascinating! They only know each other by their school identification number, they don't know other info i.e whereabouts, much less their favorite food, color, etc..etc.. Even the phone number they exchanged got lost.Little did they know that they were destined to be together! They don't even know that they were very close to each other wherever they went. Say, when she was standing in a train, he was sitting down while reading a newspaper. Such a coincidence! Watch as they 'worked' hard to find each other. They did the same thing, i.e the way they talk, the way they they think, even their interests are the same too! The ending is too unbelievable but an original, nonetheless! I don't think audiences can figure out the ending!
toastburn I loved this movie. I caught only the last half on TV recently and tracked down the full film to see all of it. I am not familiar with the original illustrated novel though. It is a fairy tale for grownups, with humour, sadness, and a bit of slapstick. Lovely Gigi Leung plays her part of Eve Loi the romantic day-dreaming and slightly clumsy lover of poetry delightfully, and handsome Takeshi Kaneshiro plays the romantic, awkward and intensely shy John Liu to perfection. I was glad the corny temptation to resist naming them Adam and Eve was resisted. The symmetry of the parallel events is fun to anticipate, and the anti-symmetry of the two evil counter-characters adds to the complexity and a foil to the perhaps a bit saccharine sweetness of the main plot and characters The incidental parallel sub-plot of the avaricious landlords also meeting and exchanging phone numbers in the rain is a nice touch. I can forgive the occasional technical hiccups and goofs for the sheer lovely romance that it is.
shu-fen Can this romance take place in another city besides Taipei? I am thinking about Paris, Prague, Venice, Istanbul, New York, St Petersburg, Sevilla (sorry, not London)… Tokyo? Probable but not very likely. In Asia, except Taipei, no city can provide suitable soil to let this seemingly mushy love story to germinate. I find it funny to see a young Japanese gal or guy reading Wislawa Szymborska's poetry in Polish language in Ueno Park. (Hong Kong? Oh, please don't ruin the whole enchilada.)Takeshi Kaneshiro is definitely the baffled violinist but can someone think of some other actresses? Gigi is good absolutely but someone else may bring along different chemistry with TK.The story is a mathematic and science illustrations. "Symmetry" was the word popped up in my mind when I finished the first ten minutes and "binary" is the next. What happens to them is like two magnetic iron pieces: both of them keep using the same side towards each other either always north or always south, so south and north cannot meet and stick together. Only twice, one side is south, another is north so they met, once at the park, another at the collapsed apartments. And what's the probability? I need to count the number of times they met but missed against the two times they met... difficult calculation. One more thing, symmetrically, both of them got a comical and clingy suitor: Dr. Wu and Ruby.Jimmy Liao is pictorial poetic, he writes poetry with his illustrations. Pitifully, the movie adaptation more or less cannot totally grasp the air or spirit of his book.
Bigprisc I love this movie. It is simple. It is about 2 people who are so meant for each other, but always missed out on meeting each other. The two lead players are so gorgeous, and had so much chemistry, that you just smile everytime you think about the movie. They played their characters very well, interesting and simple. The movie is a straight on adaptation of Jimmy Liao's comic. And it is done very well without becoming boring. The cinematography is so stylistically done that every shot is like a postcard. Definitely one of the movies that i would rewatch over and over.There is one thing i want to complain about though. The supporting characters are so irritating. They completely spoiled the mood of the movie. Everytime they appear, i cringe and cuss. They are the only thing that keeps the movie from being a perfect ten. that and the dramatic ending that also strays away from the mood of the movie.OVerall, it is definitely beauty at its simplest.