| 23 August 2003 (USA)
Tube Trailers

Burnt-out transit cop Jay forms an unlikely alliance with pickpocket Kay to stop a terrorist hijacker from blowing up a subway car during rush hour.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Boba_Fett1138 In its core this is a pretty original action-flick from South Korea but the way the movie is brought to the screen is little original. It uses too elements from other, well known, action movies and does everything in a too formulaic way. which causes this movie to also be little surprising.Seems like Baek Woon-Hak watched a bit too many Hollywood action movies such as "Heat", "Die Hard", "True Lies", "Speed" and whatever more movie to which this movie shows just a bit too many similarities. Nothing wrong of course with anyone from Korea or anywhere else trying to imitate Hollywood action movies but when its not done in an original way and merely just copies sequences and moments from well known movies, you simply just failed at trying to create anything interesting or original. Especially since this movie is just not as refined as an Hollywood action flick. The style is there but just not the right handling of it all. No matter how good the movie looks, it all feels quite amateur like and childish too at the same time. This is also due to the simple musical score (the composer listened to a bit too many Hans Zimmer scores) and overdone camera-work. You know, it's the Michael Bay sort of cinematography.The movie also features some awkward humor- and characters that are supposed to be humorous, that also feels mostly out of place and is not consistent with the style of the movie. Think you can say that it downgrades this movies and makes it even harder to take it really as a serious attempt.It's action is also a reason why this movie is hard to take serious. It's just too much. The movie is almost non-stop action and all of the sequences feel rather overdone and unbelievable. It seems to be unnecessarily hard and straight-forward, which goes at the expense of its credibility. I mean, the bad guys can basically shoot anyone, even a small army of heavily armored tactical units, even when they are right in the middle of them, without having to take really cover or worry about their ammo. Yeah of course, action movies are just never the most credible movies but you can also go too far in some cases. It's like a 12 year old kid wrote the script and had put in every action fantasy he ever had.Non of the actors also really impresses and it's no surprise non of them really works regularly as an actor, though admittedly its perhaps not fair to judge the abilities an actor who speaks a language you don't. The characters all remain very flat, especially disappointingly also the villains, who normally always are the most fun, interesting and perhaps also most important in an action type of movie.Korean cinema has better movies to offer than this.5/10
kevbee Korean cinema of late has produced some highly entertaining and diverting pieces of work. Sadly this film is not amongst them. From the opening scene when about 4 bad guys manage to gun down about half the Korean police force but don't sustain any injuries themselves, you know that you should have your tongue firmly planted in your cheek. The problem with this film is that there is no character development and it relies on action set-pieces to carry the film along. Some of these are OK, but many are just not believable. In the Making Of documentary on the DVD release, it says that the film was 5 years in the making. It's a pity that over that length of time, no one realized that the script needed a complete rewrite.
the amorphousmachine I never heard of this movie when I rented it, and I had no idea which country it was from. Heh, i didn't bother reading the DVD cover. I thought it was Japanese, as it had that look, but the writing was a little off. Regardless, it's a South Korean actioner, that stylistically had some nice moments, but this film did not know when to quit.Basically, two bad guys take over a train, and hold the country ransom. A renegade detective who is has a past with the main bad guy, must work with the police and the rail system to try and save the hostages. The Korean equivalent to 'Under Siege 2'! From the opening scene, where the main villain somehow manages to thwart the entire police force unscathed, this is a hard film to take seriously! Not only is it fairly confusing as to what character did what to the other in the past, it has moments where you don't quite know what happened to the characters. Did some of the passengers of the train get killed during that huge shootout? Why didn't the hostages in the main carriage escape during the first big macho fight between protagonist and antagonist? Little things like that! Oh, and then a sub-character and his colleagues seem to take two thirds of the movie to re-act to that sub-character's love interest being one of the hostages? Oh, and the police force don't seem to acknowledge any loss of life when planning their next move. But the main problem I had with this film, is that it was climax overkill. Every time, our hero seemed to stop something bad from happening, there was another introduction of a plot element that wasn't established. Trains almost colliding with each other, and the pressure is on the technical staff! The hero manages to thwart the train's weight making a bridge collapse with it's obstacles, then has to stop a bomb, and fight a bad guy (again, with obstacles), then the next plot point is introduced, and the other heroes have to divert the train from hitting a nuclear plant (ala obstacles). And then there is yet another climax after that. Like one reviewer noted, all you needed was something to hold down the weight of the lever in regard to that one! I was getting really bored of this movie towards the end. Plus, there a pointless scene where the hostages stand up to the bad guy, and it could have been totally cut, and it didn't furthur the plot at all. It was totally unnecessary cause it didn't add to the story thematically, or provide anything to the plot! That pretty much sums up how 'Tube' keeps piling unnecessary climatic moments, and it really over-kills the climax factor basically because they forgot to introduce many of the main elements beforehand (i.e. the rigged train to explode, and subsequent numerous bombs)! 'Tube' is not a very good movie!** out of *****!
jwpappas Although TUBE is beautifully shot its still a weak hodge podge of every mainstream American action flick of the past 15 years. What's worse is that its derivative of the VERY derivative Jerry Bruckheimer/Michael Bey standard summer crapola. There are some great unintentional laughs at the expense of the lame love story but mostly this is a corny & predictable mishmash of SPEED, Armageddon, THE ROCK, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT & THE TAKING OF PELHAM ONE TWO THREE. The writers of the last film should sue for 1) completely ripping off their plot & 2) for doing such a bad job at it. If you want mindless & fun action rent anything by Tsui Hark but avoid this time waster.