True Love
True Love
| 13 October 2012 (USA)
True Love Trailers

On the surface, Kate and Jack, late 20's, are happy. But like everyone, they carry secrets that neither of them is prepared to reveal. After their wedding, they wake from a deep, dark sleep, each alone in a sealed room with no doors or windows, just a projection screen and a monitor with two buttons: one for “yes”, one for “no”. As the horror of their situation unfolds, surveillance films showing their life together, appear on the screen as the monitor asks questions, each more strange and terrifying that the last. It soon becomes apparent that a bizarre test of their relationship is underway, and the secrets revealed lead them deeper and deeper into what could not just destroy their love, but threaten their very lives…

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
mike-ryan455 I'm rating it at five stars out of ten. It's a nice little independent low budget thriller. Little to no gore yet still a lot of anxiety, doubt and more than a few attempts at twists.It's one of those "small cast suddenly finds themselves in a weird place and being manipulated - kind of like "Cube" and "The Employer." In this case, it's a married couple who are in separate rooms and are being tested as to what is true or false.The cast is tiny, and their budget must have been miniscule. Special effects weren't really even needed - it was that cheap. Yet for what they paid for it they did pretty well.No it's not perfect. The plot didn't follow through and it spun around and at the end I still felt kind of unsatisfied that the whole thing was resolved. But it definitely made a 5.
dyskolos316 I mostly value the IMDb-Rating for being pretty precise, but this time it's totally off track. Why it has been voted 1/10 so many times is beyond me. There was something to the story though that made me watch it nonetheless (usually I won't touch anything below 6/10) but with VERY little expectations though. Luckily I trusted my guts.Based on what I've read before watching I kinda expected the usual torture-flick. And it starts exactly like that. Bah! Been there, done that! A thousand times! The cover and the title ("Yes/No, You lie, you die!") adds well to that. But there's something different...something that keeps your interest...Sure, it's low budget. But who cares? I've seen enough flicks with tens of millions of budget but without any soul or even a nice plot.The acting is absolutely OK, the characters are convincing, the plot is interesting, and the film keeps it tension until the end. And it even leaves you room for thinking afterward. What more does one want? If you like a film where an interesting/unconventional premise/theory is brutally put to life, go and see this flick!(VERY MILD spoiler ahead regarding genre/theme...)So if you're expecting some nice gore/torture/blood/nudes you should probably avoid this film. If you're open to a pretty neat concept/idea you should watch it. I'd categorize it as thriller/drama/romance and as that it's a solid 7/10. Really worth watching. Could have used some polishing here and there, but nothing show stopping.