True Blood
True Blood
R | 28 April 1989 (USA)
True Blood Trailers

Ray Trueblood, member of a street gang, is framed by an enemy of a rival gang, Billy "Spider" Masters. Ray is accused of killing a cop and he has to escape leaving behind his little brother, Donny. Ten years later Ray returns to his neighborhood to take his brother with him, but things are worse than he could expect: his brother, now 18 years old, hates him and is a member of Billy Masters' gang. Furthermore, Billy Masters is looking for revenge and... the police is still after Ray for the murder of the police officer.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Matthew Stechel Fahey is good. The story moves along all right. I wasn't crazy about Chad Lowe as Fahey's younger brother or Billy Draggo who goes reeeaaallly over the top as the bad guy here. Its the kind of performance that's very love it or hate it, and i didn't love it to be sure. I did like James Tolkan as the perennially grudge holding cop tho. The story is that Fahey as a young guy is in a gang, he ends up killing a cop (accidently) Tolkan as that cop's partner carries a grudge that lasts ten whole years as Fahey runs away, joins the army leaving his younger brother behind to grow up in the company of the gang bangers he ran away from....Fahey comes back to town basically to try and reclaim his brother whom he deserted, and well understandably his brother isn't full of warm and fuzzy feelings at seeing his big brother again. Can Fahey convince him to quit gang life and come with him away from the city? Does it really matter? Also Billy Draggo is the gang leader whom supposedly raised younger brother Chad Lowe while Fahey was away, but you know Draggo is crazy so that probably wasn't the best idea there Fahey. Anyways, its watchable enough as you see Fahey try to reconnect with his brother, and try to atone to James Tolkan for causing the death of his long ago partner (which Tolkan is not having!) but its not a good movie....its all mawkish, except for the scenes where Draggo is chewing scenery and venting his rage at Fahey for daring to step back into the town that he now owns! Again i didn't really care for Draggo's over the top performance here but whatever your mileage may vary.
Pepper Anne This movie is like the material S.E. Hinton was writing in the 1970s and Copola was adapting to the screen in the early 80s, and, had Trueblood actually been a product of either, the results might've been much better (especially in the acting department). Instead, we get a rather so-bad-its-funny piece of mediocrity.Jeff Fahey plays Ray Trueblood, a former street rumbler, I suppose is the accurate description. This was in the days of action movies that used guys in their 40s and mid30s and dressed them up in greaser threads or some kind of more effeminate selection of gang garb and they fought to lousy 80s music. Nonetheless, Ray is the lone caretaker of his younger brother, Donny (Chad Lowe in a part where he screams a lot), who he is forced to leave behind inexplicably in a train station when, on the run from the cops, he is nabbed and forced to serve time in the Marines. Flash forward to present day and Ray is back in town and looking for his brother who has also become part of the street gangs, although in a gang that was Ray's adversary and now old scores must be violently settled (and again, cops must be dodged and this time, a lady's honor defended in the action film sense) before Ray can carry on life at normal pace with his brother, Donny.For the most part, the film is quite ridiculous. For me, most of this has to do with far too much overacting, although not by Fahey or Sherlyn Fenn who plays the waitress he befriends. The guys in the gang and Lowe himself seem to do quite a bit of needless exaggerated as New York street toughs. Although, the bigger hang up is recycled plot lines and perhaps a kind of movie that was well past its prime as a product of 1989.
Cathleen Pearson This movie is actually enjoyable! I enjoyed watching the fight scenes in the movie between the two rival gangs. The Trueblood brothers have great parts and little Chad Lowe makes a great first impression on you. He's the toughest of the two brothers, but holds a special place in your heart. The special effects weren't great compared to newer action films. The characters reminded me David Lynch's characters, especially the evil Billy "Spider" Masters. He had a very creepy part and watching it alone can be quite scary. Ok, so the real reason to see this film, is for Sherilyn Fenn. Her part is acted very well and the bathroom scene is very sexy! Get the DVD version, so you can pause and slow mo during this part because it flew by very fast.
helfeleather Predictably, the good guys are spunky and the bad guys are ugly. Ray looks tasty in tight denim, but is so one-dimensionally good that you lose interest. Donny is rougher and therefore more exciting. Guess what happens in the end.