Triumph of the Will
Triumph of the Will
| 28 March 1935 (USA)
Triumph of the Will Trailers

A showcase of German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Lawbolisted Powerful
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
s-69660 I have to say this video is nothing but evil. I cannot rate more than 1 on it.
leplatypus Honestly i don't see any difference between this documentary and for example the inauguration of POTUS administration!Both use the visual medium to tell the life of the state so both are indeed propaganda!Maybe the difference lies in the content of the speeches whatever: the leader is inspired, the country is great, the people are hardworking, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla .... No, for me, the real difference comes that this Nazi "public" documentary was the 1st in the world and every one, even royals, democrats (or so called) realized that this new medium could be a powerful stuff to seduce their citizens! And for sure, as it's Nazi (as the beetle car, as the highways, the rockets), it's automatically bad even it's really intelligent but our democracies (or so called) are much too proud to admit that!By the way, the director is really talented! There is a real sense of drama, artistic composition and technical mastery! If you have watch Episode IV and the medal ceremony at the end, you will find here the same shots! What you should keep in mind after watching this one is that you should beware of any public events aired on TV because it's only the mouthpiece of your government! As long as medias goes the same way than the government, it's propaganda!
chaswe-28402 An immediate thought is that this kind of stage-managed political hysteria of the most impassioned and theatrical nature, worked out in fantastic detail, and executed with the precision of a regimental sergeant-major, cannot happen again. Such a thought is immediately followed by the realisation, from what one reads, that it is precisely and exactly what is happening today, elsewhere in the world, in a readily identifiable northern enclave of Asia. It is also what might just as well be happening in the Middle East, if the Middle Easterners were not so congenitally disunited and incompetent.Leni Riefenstahl's directorial style could be discussed, but I don't think there's much point. If she hadn't directed the film someone else would, and would have received praise or condemnation accordingly. Superbly edited over six months. What struck me more was the ideological content of the speechifying of Hitler and his fellow-gangsters: Goebbels, Göring, Streicher, Himmler, Heydrich --- what a bunch of glamorous blue-eyed Aryans. I'm talking especially about the classlessness of his message, and his emphasis on the Socialism of his party line. There was also a fair dollop of Nationalism, but it was not so fully prominent in this year of 1934. He even extolled peaceful co- existence. There were of course also interjections of racial purity. Almost biblical. Thou shalt have no other god than Hitler.Both Communism and Socialism are obviously fascistic. The message is "workers of the world, unite". Left or Right. You can break a stick, but you cannot break a fascist bundle.It tends to be forgotten that Hitler was a non-smoker, and against blood sports (as it affected animals), had come up from nuffink, an unprivileged Schicklgruber by birth. Presumably that's why he was entirely unprincipled. Was he not also a teetotaller, and even a vegetarian ? Perhaps not, but not a tippler of any sort, anyway. Not exactly a capitalist. Had more in common with the Communists and the British Labour party than might be suspected. Not easy to understand why he found favour with Edward VIII and significant sections of the British aristocracy. Transnational anti-semitism, presumably.Not surprising that he had so many rabid followers, as shown on this screen. Little did they know what was in store for them. I kept thinking of how many of the enthusiastic young men I was looking at were to end up as mincemeat.
AryanGeneral Hail NAZI , HAIL ARYAN RACE, HEIL Hitler, HEIL FUEHRER, HAIL SCHUTTZSTAFFEL, WE ARYAN RACE ARE THE TRUE AND JUST RACE IN THIS WORLD AND WE SHALL REIGN THROUGH OUR Righteousness, THOSE WHO ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO STAND IN THE WAY OF A TRUE WORLD, SHALL BE PERISHED BENEATH OUR IRON WILL TO MAKE RIGHT THE WRONGS OF THIS WORLD, THROUGH ATTRITION OR DECISIVENESS WE SHALL DESTROY ALL THE ENEMIES OF THE NAZI AND FUEHRER, AND SHALL MAKE A NEW WORLD WITH THE BANNER OF SS HANGING AT THE TOP OF IT AND COVERING EVERYTHING IN IT !!!!!!!!!!!The Triumph of will is an actual and living Proof of the Nazi Greatness ! the Power that Third Reich wielded and the Good and Just cause that they were using that power for !!! Let those who gaze with hatred to the truth i am preaching, be Blinded by the Light of The Nazi's Benevolence and Power. The people Know it, the World Knows it ! We Aryan race, the race of Just and powerful are the true Inherits of the God's Land and we shall reign with Justice and Honor and clean the World of the Taint that Israel and America, are covering it with, the taint of Evil Worship, the Taint of Abominational Sexualities and bi-sexualities , the taint of corruption in cultures and concepts of just and right and Godly ! we fight for the Justice and Power of the Creater, the God ! let those who cant bear my words downrate this Review or even remove this !! but The Right Words will always find their way to the ears of those who can hear !!! Hail Nazi , Hail Schutzstaffel , Hail Aryan Race !