| 01 January 2011 (USA)
Trippin' Trailers

A group of three friends head to a cabin in the woods for the weekend. On their way they discover an arm in the road, blood coming from something wrapped in the back of a truck, and other strange things that unfold before their eyes. They plan on a weekend of partying, boozing, drugs and sex. Of course there is a campfire tale of a killer in the woods, the kids get split up, and the blood starts to flow.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
first_shadowcat Trippin', not just another "crappy stoner movie". Trippin is not murdering a few sex-crazed teens camping in some remote location, that's been done way to many times. Instead "Trippin" is a comedy, horror, mystery/suspense parody on the "stoner flicks" of the past. Any expectations you might have had based on trailers, even postcards, need to be thrown out. Trippin will have you as pleasantly surprised as I was. This is from a guy who was dragged, clawing my way not to go see it. Was I wrong about Trippin.Unlike most whodunit's where you know what is going to happen long before it does, with "Trippin" you really don't care because you're enjoying what's going on. Sure, there's a plot, there're conflicts, a few twists here and there and then there is a conclusion to all of this but there is so much to make you laugh that you really won't care that you already know what's going to happen!Now Trippin is by no means perfect, what flick is these days? It's made with very little (if any) money, and like most "indies" the beginning was a bit slower than what I would have liked. However, the wife absolutely loved it and for her, that says a lot as she mostly hates this "banal crap." True, like I said, I had to be dragged to this women's "horror film fest" but I actually had a great time, especially watching Trippin. As for being such a "macho idiot" and have to be "dragged, kicking and screaming" to a "woman's horror film fest" that I actually enjoyed, I had to write this review but it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. Trippin is well worth seeing and I think that you, like me, will be glad your girlfriend/wife dragged you to see it. Tripping is smart, funny, and has a strong set of female characters. Go see it and then take your punishment like a man and write your own review. I did!
Elisabeth Fies Award-winning directrix, film professor, and one of Horror Society's "Top 13 Influential Women In the history of Horror" Devi Snively makes her feature film debut with this smart, whimsical send-up of the classic plot line "horny teens go to a friend's cabin". By mixing this workhorse story with a fresh twist of Mary Jane humor and Snively's keen cinematic eye, the Trippin' micro-budget team has created a niche movie sure to entertain a large population of suspense/thriller/horror addicts, and humorists who love Ms. Snively's signature lovely wit. Though shot on the now outmoded mini DV format, the technicals of the piece are still strong for an indie. Sound and score are proficient, and the visuals are brimming with creativity and panache. The animated sequence of character's bad drug trip is a standout sequence rife with the accomplished company's hilarious interpretation of Snively's brand. TRIPPIN' is a graceful follow-up to Ms. Snively's many celebrated trademark dramedy/horror shorts (DEATH IN CHARGE alone has played over 130 world-wide film festivals and was made through the impossibly prestigious AFI Directing Workshop for Women), and will be a solid launching pad for her future feature film and TV projects in development.