Triple Crossed
Triple Crossed
| 12 November 2013 (USA)
Triple Crossed Trailers

With a tour in Afghanistan behind him, war-torn Chris Jensen struggles to assimilate back to life in California. Drifting and living out of his car, he soon discovers that few are willing to deal with the remnants of a damaged career military man. Chris is self medicating; desperate to silence the echoes from the front lines. When an opportunity finally presents itself, he makes the hard decision to employ his most coveted talents honed in special ops. A job is a job and Chris knows civilian life can be just as cut-throat as time on active duty. But just how close does he have to get to Andrew Warner to secure the kill?

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
xrabid_yaoi_fangirlx Can I just start by saying, when is Jack Brockett gonna do some more stuff? That man is brutally hot, and he carried the movie with strong acting throughout.As for the rest of the cast, they really try, and while the end product is more uncomfortable and awkward than anything, everyone has their moments. I went in with very, very low expectations, and I think that helped. I enjoyed the film despite the cheese and clumsy execution. Its heart is in the right place. I liked some of the concepts and ideas, but I feel like much of it was wasted on rushed scenes and an attempt to force in a twist. There was some potential in the story, even with the illogical elements, but the creators didn't seem to have the tools necessary to make it work. Not a budget issue, just an experience issue, I'm guessing. Like I said, they tried.My biggest frustration is that this sort of theme is really rare in gay films, so you have to accept the lower quality stuff or go without entirely. I can't think of a single other gay thriller off the top of my head that doesn't just lead to misery. Typically you can have "uplifting/hopeful but cheesy and clunky" or "beautiful and high quality but bleak and tragic," and it gets old. Here's hoping things are truly changing in the genre.Overall, you could find this movie entertaining if you go in with the understanding that it's akin to a student film where the director had to cast their friends. For me, a gorgeous, brooding man making out with another reasonably attractive dude with that theme of protectiveness/betrayal hanging over them was enough for me. I knew what I was getting into. If you do, too, then give this a shot. Otherwise, look elsewhere.
christopher-rogers83 This movie is terrible. There are very few gay themed movies that I would recommend less then this one. Acting is awful, and many lines seem to be terribly improvised. The only saving grace is that there are a few nude scenes with very sexy men. Nothing you cant get by just watching a porn as the actors are gay porn stars. The worst character in the film is the woman. And the plot is so far fetched that nothing can be believed. I also don't understand why a guy who is supposed to be rich is driving around in a 1989 VW Jetta. Notice also that the main characters pathfinder has Honda badges all over it, weird.Save your time. Don't watch this movie!
SBlues This movie is no different from thousands of other low budget movies made in America. The scripts are poorly written as usual and the direction always looks like the same (toss up between a few) people taking turns directing them.I won't try to explain the plot because that's the part of reviews that I hate to read or hear about when I check out other reviews. Besides, someone from the film's production has already written a synopsis that anyone interested can read.It's a universal fact that most low budget movies, whether gay or straight are usually bad. The cast are usually all unknown first time actors or porn actor(s) in this film, continuously trying to make it in the mainstream movie business.Sean Paul Lockhart is the director as well as one of the stars of this film. He is a well known gay porn actor that has made a fortune performing in, producing and directing gay Adult films. He has also used a few different "stage" names for reasons that is best explained by people that have followed his (porn) career.If you're a fan of cheesy low budget films, Sean Paul Lockhart (aka) Brent Corrigan and a few scenes of male nudity; you'll love this film.I appreciated the beauty of the male nudity but I did not enjoy the poor dialogue, the story and the generic direction.
biogenius7 This is the first gay themed thriller i have come across and it was thoroughly enjoyable. The characters are funny and likable, unfortunately they are also one-dimensional and there is very little character development and the acting could have been better. There is plenty of cute moments that make for very enjoyable watching between the leads. There is also a fair amount of nudity. The plot twist in the end made for some entertaining viewing but the film could have used a better script. The end felt rushed and everything just came together and worked out too easily. Overall it still is a great entertaining flick that is worth watching.