Trinity Is Still My Name
Trinity Is Still My Name
PG | 20 July 1972 (USA)
Trinity Is Still My Name Trailers

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
cinemajesty Making full use of their on-screen chemistry, actor-duo Terence Hill & Bud Spencer, coming full circle in this Italian produced comic-western gem directed by Enzo Barboni (E.B. Clucher) in 1971 and released to be a massive smash hit with over twelve million moviegoers attending in Summer 1972 in West Germany alone.The story-lines' sequences are fairly simple arrange and connect to a common mainstream audience with two unlikely brothers, Trinitá and Bambino, seeking in each scene the advantage over their opponents to ultimately win a fortune at a poker game, spend it and start the whole process again by riding off into the desert by the end.Filmed entirely in Italy on sound stage in Rome and exteriors shot on location in the Italian region of Abruzzo in order to stand in for the U.S. Middle west, "Trinity II" has pace and rhythm to the picture. The protagonists are the charming outlaws, who everyone can identify with. There are no major shoot-outs or violent torture scenes in a sheriff's prison for example.Nevertheless the spectator has the chance to enter into a ride full of enjoyable moments, which never miss its mark by being just entertainment benefited by a legendary acting duo. The Hill/Spencer connection, which started out with another western in 1967 called "God forgives... I don't" directed by Guiseppe Colizzi in a rather hard-boiled fashion as "Django" (1966) by Sergio Corbucci or Sergio Leone's "For A Few Dollars more" (1965); a picture could not stand up against its predecessor classics.The first collaboration of Terrence Hill and Bud Spenceer of 1967 had not have the commercial outcome as the director and producers wished for. A fact that had to mature another three years to receive its fulfillment in the prequel "They Call Me Trinity" (1970) collaboration, in which finally the comic elements started to break through and shape the acting duo's career, which will last for another 15 years to their final collaboration in season 1984/1985 for "Miami Supercops".© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)
Billy Wiggins Quite honestly, after seeing the first film in this series (THEY CALL ME TRINITY), I was a little underwhelmed, perhaps sold out by my own high hopes. That pic was the breakthrough buddy-comedy-western smash that made Hill and Spencer into superstars. I enjoyed it, liked its meandering pace and whimsical attitude, but was not blown away.Now, after having seen the follow-up, I get it. Everything that was kinda shaggy, kinda loosey-goosey about the first film has been finely groomed here and the difference is notable. The story plays out slowly but steadily, with proper amounts of both slapstick and action, not to mention some damn fine slapstick action.Spencer's Bambino is introduced first, duping a group of crooks out of their freshly cooked beans in hysterical fashion. Not long after the thugs have regrouped from the incident, along comes Hill's Trinity to do the same exact thing! These two gags set the tone for things: The two protagonists are never cocky or cruel in getting their way; rather they use their charm, and occasionally, Spencer's beefy fists if necessary.The boys head back home in time to hear their father's deathbed wish, that they work together to find their way in the world, rather than constantly bickering. Their resulting adventures lead them to aid (repeatedly) a lost farming family, pose as federal agents, and get involved in a monks-versus-gunrunners battle.The general spirit of the film is kind and genial, and for this reason it reminded me of the films of Jackie Chan's Hong Kong heyday. Much attention is paid to intricate gags (several involving food); there are numerous well-staged and complex fistfights; even a running bit with a flatulent baby that would have seemed right at home in a JC flick.Terence Hill's Trinity is a happy-go-lucky layabout that is too lazy to even ride his own horse (he prefers to be dragged slowly behind on a makeshift cot). Trinity is handsome, charming, funny … a great character to be sure. Hill is capable of doing intense (e.g., VIVA DJANGO), so his embodiment of Trinity speaks as much to his acting chops as it does his personal charisma. As for big Bud Spencer, as Bambino he is the sour to Trinity's sweet. Perennially grumpy, the character owns an underlying air of geniality that seems at odds with his willingness to swing his fists around. You get the feeling Bambino begins each fight with a big resigned sigh, as if he'd really rather be elsewhere. The two actors had appeared together in films several times before this series, but it was the Trinity and Bambino personas that really clicked with audiences of the day.So if you are curious about the fuss over TRINITY, I'd just as soon recommend that you skip right to TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME to get the full gist of Spencer and Hill at their best. 8/10 stars.
westerner357 (aka: TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME) This sequel looks like it was done to capitalize on the outstanding European box-office success of THEY CALL ME TRINITY, only this time Joseph E. Levine and Avco-Embassy pictures wanted to capitalize on it in America as well. Too bad they didn't get very far since the Hill/Spencer pictures have had only had marginal success here in the U.S., and this largely boring, drawn-out film doesn't help it out any.Trinity and Bambino swear to their dying father (Harry Carey Jr.) that they will become successful outlaws and take care of each other. They later get involved with arms-traffickers who smuggle guns out of a monastery, and who mistakenly think they're a pair of federal agents. It all winds up falling flat in spite of a couple of funny scenes, especially the one where Trinity and Bambino are in a fancy French restaurant and don't know how to carry themselves. And the scenes with the card sharks was mildly humorous as well.The opening title music sung by Gene Roman sounds like a fair Bobby Goldsboro-like early 70s pop song while the music cues sprinkled throughout the movie are pretty good. Not sure if I'd want to buy the CD soundtrack of it but some others might.The film could have had a half hour whacked off of it and it wouldn't have dragged on for so long. It looks like a lot of scenery is being chewed up here. In fact, I lost interest in it about 2/3rds of the way through. The DVD is also terrible, with a constant hum in the soundtrack and a poor print that looks like it should have been sent to that great scrap heap in the sky.A big step down from the previous film.4 out of 10
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I don't know, maybe it's that I didn't grow up with them, the way others have, the fact that I'm not American, or a variety of factors, but I've never been much for the classic Westerns. As with films regarding historic events, and films further back than a few decades, Westerns are something that I just don't make it a point to watch unless there's something special about it, someone talented at the helm or a major significance to that particular production. I watched this years ago, and I must admit that I didn't pay that much attention on this most recent viewing. It's just not really my genre. Some of the situations, action and dialog are admittedly good in some of these films, though. Technically speaking, this is good. Camera, editing and sound are fine. The fights look convincing enough, it does look as if the punches connect(though I wouldn't guess that they actually did). At one point in the film, an unusual and unexpected group dish out some physical violence. One fight plays a lot like a football game. The humor includes some repeated gags and jokes, and one running toilet humor joke. The dialog has its moments. I recommend this to fans of Westerns and comedies set in the Wild West. 7/10