Treasure Island
Treasure Island
PG-13 | 01 January 2012 (USA)
Treasure Island Trailers

Treasure Island is a two-part British television miniseries adaptation of the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was made by BSkyB and first shown in the United Kingdom on Sky1 on 1–2 January 2012. The screenplay was by Stewart Harcourt and it was produced by Laurie Borg and directed by Steve Barron.

Micitype Pretty Good
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Khun Kru Mark (Did you like that clever gag in the title?)I read the book yonks ago and I loved it and this isn't the book. Nothing close to it. But I don't care about that - I just want to see a ripping adventure about piracy... but this isn't that either!My God, how to deaden a story over three torturous hours! This is about as mindless and ridiculous as TV can get.The usual TV monkeys are wheeled out once again to perform in this ludicrous farce as proper actors have agents who tell them to avoid this bilge! The Trevor Eve academy of acting is in full swing... lots of angry shouting, pointless posturing, etc. The story seems to be buried amongst the props because for the life of me I couldn't make one out, but here goes... A young impressionable and slightly retarded man is seduced into the world of piracy on the high seas by a psychotic, drug taking, alcoholic black pirate and mum seems OK with it!A boat and lots of people growling 'Arrrrr!' and you have a TV program! The problem is the characters are as dull as the murky briny and there's no sense of a narrative to tell you why they are there... other than to go 'Arrrrr!' a lot!As the torture wears on the cast do unbelievably stupid things. I won't spoil this for you in case the MST3K crew wants to adopt this wreck and riff on it.This garbage should be thrown overboard and the people behind it keelhauled... slowly!
carbuff Solid but uninspired movie which could have been profitably edited down by around 45 minutes. I can't remember the original plot too well anymore, but I believe that this production does seem to reflect some modern liberal political sensibilities, which likely weren't there originally--in and of itself, this is a legitimately different twist to put on things, except that it throws a few forced clunkers into the script. The performances by Izzard as a subdued Silver and Wood as Jim are pretty strong, but, Sutherland, as with all of his later movies, is just cashing a paycheck and does not at all seem invested in, or appropriate to, the role. Also, as a long-time small boat sailor, it kind of drove me nuts that they never raised more sail than they did--my guess is that this is not historically accurate, but instead reflected the limited budget of the movie, meaning that they didn't want to shell out for the cost of additional sails for the ship. If the movie was going to be dragged out to three hours, I personally wanted a lot more exciting sailing action. The production values are not quite up to that of a theater quality film, but compare favorably to those of a top-notch TV production. A perfect movie to watch with children if one wants to avoid sex and extreme violence, but for a modern adult audience, as long as liberties were going to be taken, it could maybe have been a bit grittier. Still, I can't say that I feel that I have wasted three hours or anything like that, and I'm not really significantly disappointed in any way at all, except for the dearth of sailing action.
eelchuk7 As someone who read and loved the book I was extremely excited to see this movie. Unfortunately, I was extremely disappointed after I saw it. So many meaningless plot changes corrupted this version from start to finish. In fact, it barely resembles the Robert Louis Stevenson classic novel (he probably rolled over in his grave). I would like the writers to explain to me why they decided to make all the changes, as they seem to serve no purpose other than to upset those who have read the book.The filmmakers decided to make Dr Livesay a snivelling wimp, and Squire Trelawney a massive jerk. The director also chose for some reason to use some sort of speed up technique that does nothing more than send you into a seizure. Eddie Izzard does a good job with Long John Silver, but that only scratches at the surface for redeeming this steaming pile. I guess we'll have to wait another twenty years or so for another version to come out, and hopefully that one might do the book justice.
celr I wanted to like this recreation of the classic Treasure Island. One doesn't expect a slavish adherence to the original as long as the main story elements are in place, and who would be nitpicking enough to criticize every deviation from precise details of 18th century settings, customs and props. Making the feckless first mate a black guy might be a stretch, Billy Bones is not black in the original, but even the book describes Long John's wife as "a woman of color." Political correctness would be certain to ruin any classic, but I didn't detect toxic amounts of that here. No, the violation was far worse. About one third of the way through this re-creation takes a dark and nasty turn.So I was enjoying this Treasure Island and it's dodgy crew as they set out to sea. Only having had it read to me as a small lad, but I kept coming up short: "Wait a minute! I don't remember that!" I knew my memory of the book was quite faded so I had to look it up. In this TV production squire Trelawney is turned into an angry, abusive tyrant. He virtually keelhauls some poor fellow as a punishment and the fellow dies as Jim looks on. That is totally gratuitous, it's not in the book. In fact, Trelawney is supposed to be a decent fellow and invites Jim on the voyage because he likes him. Later in the TV version the Squire abuses Jim irrationally and cruelly and drives him out of the camp on the island. He is supposed to be Jim's protector, but in this version he becomes his persecutor. Classics are classics for a reason. In the story of Treasure Island it's the power of the narrative, the storytelling, that's the key to its popularity for many generations. The makers of this TV drama, as in so much of movies and TV drama, have no sense of the narrative. Treasure Island is a story of a rite of passage, of a young man being introduced to the world and for this to work he needs people on his side, protectors who care about his welfare. For him to be betrayed by the people who brought him along and took him into their confidence, makes no sense at all. At that point the narrative loses its moral compass and becomes absurd. I can't imagine a motive for such a drastic alteration in the story. Certainly Trelawney is given no motive to turn on Jim and leave him to the mercy of a bunch of cutthroats who intend to kill him. At that point in the TV version Jim is on his own, he virtually has to take care of himself. He has no allies. But rite of passage is not something that adolescents do on their own, as in "Lord of the Flies." They need compassionate adults to help them along. And though I can't imagine why the screenwriters made such a poor decision about the plot line, I can see the parallels with contemporary culture where many young people are virtually abandoned by their elders and left to raise themselves on junk food and pop culture. Along with that comes a visceral dislike of established values, the well-off, and any authority, combined with an exaggerated feeling of entitlement. Perhaps the writers thought that the values of the RLS book were too outdated and corny for an audience of feral children used to getting their own way. As in the "Occupy" movement, all rich guys are automatically considered evil just because they're rich, so the squire has to be evil. I don't know. But you can see the result of such a philosophy in the London riots of 2011 and the ever expanding percentage of out-of-wedlock births in the Western world. In any case these seemingly unnecessary alterations in the story line throw the entire story out of kilter, and Treasure Island is no longer fun. Don't get me started on the ridiculous ending. Avoid this version.