The Worst Film Ever
Billie Morin
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Raymond Sierra
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
The dudes from the hood are laughable. They are ultra-stereotypes that still get the stereotype wrong. The lines they spout wouldn't be said by any gang member worth his salt. He'd sound ridiculous. Heck they don't even sound like they are from LA. The plot is almost nonexistent. The acting of most of the cast is terrible. This has to be one of the worst horror movies ever.All of this makes this movie hilarious to watch. But the reason to watch isn't the silly lines the non-Mexican Mexicans have or how they sound, but for the performance of Ben Graupner as the Tweaker. He has only one line in the whole film but his portrayal as the out-of-his-mind psychotic, machete wielding tweaker is wonderful. He plays the character well. He has a future playing psychotic killers.
This is quite possible THE worst film ever made, regarding the time it was produced. I will not even go in detail how ridiculous the story itself is and how many mistakes or events that lack logic completely there are in this flick. The reason you should see it, is the way the main characters talk and act, despite that they are supposed to be from the hood and Mexican, their script is packed with lines one sillier than the other. I was really amazed how they kept on talking this way throughout the whole movie( repeating the words homes, esse and f***ed up as often as possible) regardless what situation they were in, it made it unintentionally very funny.