R | 15 December 1976 (USA)
Tracks Trailers

A soldier returns from Vietnam on special assignment, accompanying the body of his friend by train to California for burial. During the trip, he falls in love with a gentle college student. But their relationship is shattered by his flashbacks to combat.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
proppercopper This movie has got more great Dennis Hopper scenes than any 10 of his latest roles. You've got Dennis Hopper carrying his radio around looking paranoid, you've got Dennis Hopper walking through a train stark naked, you've got Dennis Hopper leaping out of a grave, wrapped in bullets with a machine gun after going on a tirade, "I hate and I hate!" This is one fantastic film. It has cameos from some great character actors as well--there's Harry Northup (Doughboy in Taxi Driver), and Richard Romanus (Michael from Mean Streets). If that isn't enough you've got the always entertaining Dean Stockwell as a man on the run. The music is beautiful and hysterical. Good luck finding a decent copy of this film on VHS. It's not on DVD and don't expect it to be any time soon. But, if you can find it treasure it like a fine wine. Actually, killing a bottle of wine while watching this film is a good idea. Drink up...
dtucker86 Dennis Hopper is an actor that I am almost ashamed to admit I like but he is. This is a fine film and one of his best performances. You can tell he is stoned throughout much of the film but he still delivers playing a tormented man. This was one of the first Hollywood films to deal with Vietnam and one of the best. Hopper sears the screen as the man who cannot let go of the hell of war. I liked the WWII songs they play in the film like "Were Gonna Have To Slap a Dirty Little Jap" and "Theyll be a hot time in the town of Berlin". Henry Jaglom is a real genius of a director and I think this is his best film. It has never been shown on Tv as far as I know and it is a real loss. Rent and and be amazed.
Infofreak Much has been written about Dennis Hopper's off screen "adventures" during his exile from mainstream Hollywood in the 1970s, but the wild stories of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll overshadow the fact that when he WAS allowed in front of a camera he almost always gave brave, and emotionally open performances. The little seen 'Tracks' is a case in point. Hopper plays a soldier from Vietnam on a mission to escort the coffin of a fellow soldier back to the United States. He does this by traveling by train, hence the title. While on the journey he interacts with the other passengers, who include a mysterious hipster (Dean Stockwell), and a beautiful young college student (Taryn Power). He is smitten by the young girl, and wrestling with his shyness and uncertainty, attempts to develop a relationship with her. He is torn between his desire, his duty, the memories of the war, and of his childhood, and finds himself walking the line between sanity and madness. He must battle his demons and fight against hallucinations that plague him.'Tracks' features many fine, naturalistic performances from the supporting cast. The dialogue as a whole feels improvised, and Hopper particularly excels at this. Stockwell also impresses, and the few scenes between the two are fresh and memorable. 'Tracks' is a strong example of intelligent, uncliched 1970s film making, and should appeal to fans of Wenders 'The American Friend' (another strong Hopper role from this period), 'The King Of Marvin Gardens', 'Fingers', 'Scarecrow', 'The Last Detail', and other unfairly neglected character studies from this exciting era. This movie has been overlooked for too long! It's time to rescue it from obscurity.
Jill-68 This movie started out so wonderfully intriguing....and then fell apart so awfully hard. It was downright painful for me to watch this movie die...I had such hopes for it. All these characters riding on a train...all their lives intertwined for the short journey...people with Secrets...simultaneous conversations recorded so spontaneously I felt like I was eavesdropping. Scenes of sexual intimacy that made me feel like a voyeur...Dennis Hopper running through the train completely naked, making me turn my head away like a startled passenger... The more I think about it, the angrier I get...surely someone could have rewritten the last half of the script and turned this film into something much, much better. As it is, I just watch my favorite scenes from the first half of the movie over & over again....the conversations with Dean Stockwell are priceless. (And hey, isn't he wearing the same pair of tennis shoes in Paris, Texas?).
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