R | 20 May 1976 (USA)
Trackdown Trailers

When his sister Betsy packs up and leaves the family's Montana cattle ranch to find fame and fortune in Hollywood, her brother Jim decides to follow after her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. He's a little too late, however, since almost as soon as she gets off the bus, Betsy has her belongings stolen, then gets kidnapped, gang-raped, and is sold to a pimp to work for him as a prostitute. It is now up to Jim, with help from social worker Lynn, to rescue his sister and set things right.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Comeuppance Reviews Jim Calhoun (Mitchum) is a Montana cattle rancher who doesn't take any guff. When his sister Betsy (Lamm) decides to follow in the footsteps of so many that came before her and moves to L.A. seeking fame and fortune, tragedy befalls her. The wide-eyed and innocent Betsy falls afoul of an evil gang and is forced into prostitution. A guy named Chucho (Estrada) falls for Betsy, and while initially associated with the gang, severs ties when Betsy goes missing. Soon Jim Calhoun is in the big city, a big, burly fish out of water, also searching for his beloved sister. Joining the search party is social worker Lynn (Crosby). But super-evil baddie Johnny Dee (Cannon) is going to make life especially hard for the well-meaning trio, who, despite all their social differences, have banded together to save Betsy from a life of squalor. Will Calhoun and his friends succeed in their TRACKDOWN? Trackdown is a quality example of the "disgruntled man searching for his wife/sister/daughter" movie exemplified by the likes of Hardcore (1979), Broken Angel (1988), and, most recently, Taken (2008). While there are other examples, Trackdown predates the aforementioned three titles, and, as you might expect, is dripping with 70's style. Thank goodness for movies like Trackdown, which show L.A. back in the day in all its gritty glory. While the surface is loaded with rotary phones, wide ties, and bellbottoms, the underlying message seems to be that the city is filled with harsh realities and uncaring people, and scavengers will take advantage of you if you don't have a support system of people who care.One of those people happens to be Erik Estrada. His youthful energy pours through in this early role, and he has some stylish shirts and a killer van to boot. He even takes Betsy to a very interesting dance club with a live band at one point. Director Heffron was going for realism for the most part, which pays off today in the sense of it being a fascinating time capsule. But the true rewards of this realistic approach is that there is no treacly sentimentalism or preachy messages, just Jim Mitchum with a shotgun dispensing Montana justice. Now that's a trackdown we can get behind.It's hard to pick a favorite Mitchum: Jim, Chris or Robert. Each time we think we have a fave, along comes a Code Name: Zebra (1987) or a mega-winner like the awesome Final Score (1986). But for the purposes of today's review, Jim is in the driver's seat, and we couldn't be happier. Jim Calhoun brings a dose of reality to those L.A. airheads, in the form of some good beat-em-ups and an extremely well-directed action setpiece in an elevator shaft. While Cathy Lee Crosby and Anne Archer provide nice cast additions, Mitchum makes you root for Calhoun. Featuring the end credits song "Runaway Girl" by none other than Kenny Rogers, we feel Trackdown is worth tracking down.
buttonwillow This movie is now available on DVD though Warner Home Video. It's a good action movie that makes up in creativity and strong performances what it lacks in budget. There is an action sequence involving an elevator shaft that is particularly good. It was made in the 1970s and really feels like that era in terms of styles, settings, and attitudes. I thought the weakest part of the film was the beginning. We're told the teenage girl is not getting along with her mother but we never see any conflict or even see the mother, then there is a long shot of Jim Mitchum herding horses before he arrives in LA to track her down. It all seemed rather clumsy. When Jim gets to LA, the story finds a groove that plays out at a good pace with a nice mix of action and character development. All of the actors do a nice job. Jim Mitchum and Erik Estrada play well off of each other. It's too bad they didn't make another movie together. It's great to see the always beautiful, always classy Ann Archer in an early role.
belltask I want this movie so bad. This was the best movie that I have ever seen and I've seen a lot of good movies. I saw it for the first time while my husband and I were stationed in Germany, the same year it came out. I've never seen it again. Not even as a classic on TV. Can't buy it on VHS or DVD, and believe me, I've been trying to track this movie down for over 25 years. I tried to order it recently, but it was not the same movie, different characters, different plot, but the same title. The performance of Anne Archer, Erik Estrada, not to mention James Mitchem was magnificent. I fell in love with Anne Archer, not only was she classy as prostitute, she befriended the young girl, and tried to help her as much as she could. My sister saw this movie in 1999 on TV, while visiting Aurora, CO. It was on the Turner Classics Network I believe.Please find this movie. A movie this good should have been put on video immediately.
teepee-9 Back when I was in school and my classmates were "Stayin' Alive" or tripping through "A Galaxy Far, Far Away", I preferred to take my best girl to some very good movies - Trackdown is one of these movies. James Mitchum is as good as any. Though the plot is a little thin, Mitchum's on-screen presence continued to bring the story together to it's inevitable conclusion. Guys, rent it - you'll be glad you did!