Total Retribution
Total Retribution
| 02 February 2011 (USA)
Total Retribution Trailers

Trapped on a space station orbiting Earth, a small army of human survivors battle the undead in order to prevent the destruction of Earth.

Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
muppling It's mostly badly acted. The special effects are mostly awful. The dialogue is week. It needs an edit.But it's not all bad.The viewpoint character is an android, played adequately by Robin Kurtz. I have no idea whether she's a particularly good actor, because this role was supposed to be stiff and robotic. But she does it perfectly well.The dialogue and acting of most of the other characters is not good, not good at all. Cringeworthy, in places. Just ignore it and power through.The special effects aren't all terrible. Hah, I say that, but they are, really. It's just that sometimes they lift themselves to SyFy bargain- basement level and they seem good by comparison. The exterior shots are OK, but the film is let down by the painted nerf-gun level weapons, reactionless pew-pew effect and bizarre 90s-video-game standard mechanical bad guys.What I appreciated about the movie, on the other hand:The viewpoint character. She's mechanical and has no memory of why she was brought online. She doesn't even know which side of the war she's supposed to be fighting on. She doesn't have a burning desire to find out, either; she just plods on - spending 20 minutes finding some pants - in a way that seems strangely believable. Her brief interactions with other people on the station work quite well.The plot contains elements of many other films - but what doesn't? There's a time loop, zombies (I have no clue who thought that was a good idea), a prophesy and space marines. It's all been done. It's like the anti-terminator. If you ignore the zombies and dog-bot-things it comes together as something pretty original.The camera-work isn't at all bad either. Neither is the soundtrack (with the exception of the pop-pop guns).I've certainly seen much worse.In summary, the camera-work, sound, direction and acting lead all show promise.
suite92 Terran Special Forces versus Allied Airborne on a space station, whatever that might mean. Humans are being turned into zombies, sort of. These zombies are not weaker; instead, they are quicker, stronger, smarter, and less and less vulnerable to weapons as they get older. The zombie transformation is accomplished by programmed nanobots, not viruses or bacteria or radioactive substances. There are androids as well as humans and zombies.The protagonist, Helen, is an android who wakes up after a memory wipe. Half an hour in, I've got context, more or less.Throw in a solar cannon that creates wormholes through time. Right, why not? There's a mission to protect the cannon from the wrong people. Just what the 'real' mission is, is a bit wobbly.Throw in references to scripture. What scripture? Written by whom?Just what do these people eat or drink? Where to they get their energy? (No solar panels on the space station, no nuclear generator. Hm.) When did gravity generators get invented? The people walk around on the space station as if it were a building on Earth.Will the final mission be accomplished, so that scripture will be fulfilled? That seems to be the question.----Scores-----Cinematography: 7/10 Mostly good, but loaded with bad framing choices.Sound: 5/10 Poor.Acting: 0/10 Non-existent.Screenplay: 0/10 Boring, absurd, almost context free.SFX: 0/10 Beyond bad. Done by people who have no acquaintance with physics, or just hate it. The CGI is ridiculous for the most part. Blood effects are entirely laughable.--------Special mentionThree Black Holes for acting, screenplay, and SFX.
donald-martin-175-873978 All I can say is ugh. This is an ugly movie visually -- bad lighting, bad script, bad acting, cheap sets and BEYOND bad special effects (both in practical and CGI category). The plot is non-existent so I won't even bother critiquing that. If the film has any value at all it would be to give the viewer the actual feel of watching a 70's sci-fi TV show like Dr. Who that had a minimal budget for sets and had painfully bad hand-made props made of spare plumbing and electrical parts. Te acting gives some camp value, except that the film takes itself dead-seriously. But even for that I doubt most people could tolerate sitting through 85 minutes of this turkey. I do not recommend.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Oh dear, this was bad, well no, actually it was beyond bad. I saw the word undead, so I thought this might be fun to watch. Undead in space, sure, why not? But wow, I was blown away, and not in a good way.The storyline in "Earthkiller", well it wasn't all bad. There were some good enough ideas here and there, but it was weighed down by atrocious CGI effects, bad dialogue and mediocre acting. So sadly, a semi-good storyline couldn't even save this movie.For the first one-quarter of the movie, approximately, it is all about following a naked skinny woman running around on a space station, which, mind you, doesn't even remotely start to have the feeling of a space station to it at all. It was looking more like a make-believe space station in the backyard of a cheesy fast-food restaurant. It was such an eyesore. Especially the automatic doors. Wow. Just wow! You have to see that to believe it.But it gets better. The strange robotic reptilians or whatever they were supposed to be, they were definitely amongst the top three of badly animated monsters in movies that I have had the pleasure of watching. It was so bad that it was hard not to laugh and take it all as a joke. I think I would actually laugh myself to death if I was being chased by such a fake monstrosity.The movie makers tried to implement some blood in the movie, but again, failed at a horrible level. It looked so bad and so unbelievably fake, that you will just sit there and shake your head in disbelief.If you enjoy a good Sci-Fi movie or a good undead movie, then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Earthkiller", because it is not worth the effort regardless of what approach you take to it. The movies that SyFy Channel pump out by the dozens are far better than this one, and that actually says a lot!