| 04 March 2008 (USA)
Torment Trailers

Chainsaw Sally star Suzi Lorraine plays a recently released psychiatric hospital patient who heads for an isolated river cottage in order to re-adjust to the outside world, only to be stalked by a psychotic clown with a sick sense of humor. All Laura Wiggington wanted was to be normal again, but after years of living with some of the craziest mental patients ever committed that's a pretty tall order. Thankfully Laura's husband Ray (Tom Stedham) knows just what the doctor ordered - a peaceful getaway far removed from the stress and chaos of the big city. But now Dissecto the clown has arrived at Ray and Laura's cottage in order to perform some seriously sick party tricks, and Laura can't help but wondering if he is in fact for real, or a disturbing delusion conjured by her scarred psyche

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
rickycoleman This has got to be the worst film I have ever seen. The acting is very wooden (even if the lead lady looks like Ali Larter) The script is very very thin. I cant believe how bad this film actually is. The only good bit in the film is where the killer rips out the tongue of a Mormon. There are even moments in the film where the lead actor looks into the camera as if looking for inspiration. It must of been very cheap to make with only 3 of the actors (out of 7) actually speaking. I wish I had known how bad it was would of saved over an hour of my life by not watching it. I have seen enough films in my life and cannot believe int his day and age, and with such great writers out there that they still release trash like this.
mania l Solid cast in this Steve Sessions chiller. Sessions always had the talent to create a moody score, and creepy scenes. He does it again. The camera work is really good here. The scene where the clown catch the lead actress is very well done. I definitely enjoyed the acting of every actors. Suzi Lorraine turns in one of her best performances as Lauren. The lead actor was likable. Cinematography and lighting are used to good effect. Haunting music, decent bodycount and the bloody victims did a good acting job! Very intense death scenes! Torture type scenes. I liked the creepy atmosphere of the "middle of nowhere location" and found the story and it's surprise ending very satisfying. Creepy! Like every Sessions' movies.
Isabelle-DeMorte For one thing, the clown on the cover is nothing like the sad case for a 'killer clown' in the movie.The clown in the movie is sad, it looks like one of those drunk $2 an hour clowns that host children parties.The scenes between the two protagonists are long an drawn out with many long silent shots focusing on their faces. I think this is filler as the whole movie could have effectively been filmed in 30 minutes.The only ones to get more camera time are the cockroaches, yes normal little cockroaches, OK, we get it, the clown lives in a 'run down' place.The plot devices seemed just to be placed for a one off event further down the track and were not really followed through in their entirety, such as Rays Alcoholism and a back story for the pathetic clown.Final thoughts, if you are going to make an evil clown, please make him evil looking, evil acting, and not sad a sad little man in a $5 clown suit from Toys R Us.
Abaybay The Plot: A mentally unstable woman who, along with her husband, takes a weekend retreat to a cabin deep in the woods. Soon, the woman begins seeing a mass murderer dressed in a clown suit prowling around the area. Her husband, thinking it is caused by stress, doesn't believe her until the body count begins to pile up. But the maniac is all too real and the woman is plunged into a nightmare which there may be no escape from.My Thoughts: Steve Sessions takes a micro-budget stab at the whole "torture-porn" phenomenon started by Eli Roth's "Hostel". While certainly not a brutal as that film, "Torment" actually doesn't focus primarily on grossing the audience out. Don't get me wrong, there are pretty gruesome tongue ripping and hand dismemberment scenes, the story is pretty much standard slasher material.The performances from the cast are convincing, the pacing is pretty tight, and the special effects are very good.Final Thoughts: Rent it whenever it comes out. Slasher and micro-budget horror fans will not be disappointed.
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