Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
| 12 August 1939 (USA)
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite Trailers

Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
csteidler In court for a traffic ticket, reporter Torchy Blane encounters a shoplifter sentenced to nine months in jail—and later spots said shoplifter in a photo with much sought bank robber Denver Eddie. Torchy loses no time in having herself thrown into jail, befriending the moll, and planning an escape that—she hopes—will lead her to Denver Eddie himself and a great big scoop.Jane Wyman is a brisk and chipper Torchy Blane, bubbling with self-confidence and bright ideas in this fun final picture in the Torchy Blane series. Wyman also talks fast—though not as fast as Glenda Farrell, who played Torchy in most of the series' previous entries. Wyman's Torchy is perhaps a bit sweeter than Glenda's and not quite as hard-nosed.Wyman is aided greatly by Allen Jenkins as Lieutenant Steve McBride—annoyed, as always, by his fiancée's superior detecting skills as well as her willingness to poke criticism at his department's failures. Jenkins brings a touch of good humor to the role, at least in comparison with Barton McLane, who was the series' regular Lt. McBride…. It's a sour but not really bitter Stevie who complains that Torchy's latest column makes "a hero out of this Denver Eddie punk after we do everything but go through the public schools looking for him." Tom Kennedy is as much fun as ever as Gahagan, police chauffeur and assistant. This time around we learn that Gahagan was once wrestling champ of the Navy—and has the belt buckle to prove it. He is, of course, pressed into service in the wrestling ring, billed (reluctantly) as "Harry the Horse" and allowed to show off his moves.Other highlights include Torchy's crime spree—setting off fire alarms all over town in order to get herself locked up. There's also a wonderful "gritty prison picture" sequence that lasts all of about two minutes, in which Torchy and the shoplifter cross paths, form a bond, and plan their breakout; it's brief, but it sure has all the earmarks of a Warner Brothers crime drama for that one (fun but rather incongruous) scene.The stars work well together; a decent plot, some fair dialog and a little action all add up to a very enjoyable little comedy-mystery.
Richard Burin Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite is the final entry in Warner's popular B-movie run of the late 1930s. Blane was the inspiration for Superman's Lois Lane, the name partly drawn from Lola Lane, who played the character in one outing. Glenda Farrell was the only true Blane, though, appearing in seven of the nine entries and getting it supremely, effortlessly right each time. Absent here, Farrell is obviously missed, but Jane Wyman does an unexpectedly strong job of deputising, and Allen Jenkins is very good as her cop boyfriend, replacing Barton McLane. Absent-minded desk sergeant George Guhl is also elsewhere (literally this time), but ever-present Tom Kennedy is back for more as Gahagan, the soft detective with a yen for composing verse. The key for the series was really the performances. The first Blane film, Smart Blonde, benefited from snappy, clever dialogue, but generally the scripts were rushed, meaning the plots were full of holes and the patter erratic. Here, the story is better than usual, with Blane getting slung in jail to befriend gangster's moll Sheila Bromley, though her tactic of getting there - raising 11 false fire alarms - is slightly questionable, and her supposed rivalry with the police evaporates after about 10 minutes. Still, it's tense and enjoyable, with an abrupt ending that works quite well.
sol (There are Spoilers) Both Jane Wyman and Allen Jerkins replace Glenda Ferrell & Barton MacLane as newspaper women Torchy Blane and her boyfriend Det, now promoted to police lieutenant,Steve McBride in this Torchy Blane series finale.Torchy as usual gets herself into hot water in getting herself arrested, by setting off 11 false fire alarms, so she can be close to the fugitive hoodlum Denver Eddie's, Eddie Marr, shoplifting girlfriend Jackie McGuire, Sheila Bromley, and find out where he's hold up. Later breaking out of womens prison both Torchy & Jackie end up in San Francisco where Jackie is to meet her boyfriend when he finally resurfaces. As this is all happening both Torchy's boyfriend police Let. McBride and his partner, the Irish poet who don't know it, Gahagan (Tom Kennedy) keep a tail on her until Denver Eddie who despite being wanted in 48 states and Mexico, with his photo in every post office in both countries, is completely unidentifiable just by wearing a pair of shades or sun glasses!Denver Eddie's hoods who end up kidnapping Let. McBride, who was posing as one of them, end up getting wasted by not keeping a close eye on McBride or having him handcuffed. As for McBride's partner Gahagan who's using the cover of wrestler "Harry the Horse", to fool Denver Eddie and his boys, he ends up in the ring with his former wrestling rival back in the Navy "The Bone Crusher", Tiny Roebuck.***SPOILER*** As things turn out Gahagan, or "Harry the Horse", puts an end to Denver Eddie's life of crime by Eddie being at the arena, together with Jackie & Torchy Blane, to watch the match between him and the "Bone Crusher". Even though it wasn't part of the act, between Gahagan & the "Bone Crusher",in the wrestling ring Gahagan's totally unexpected and spectacular flying exit, courtesy of the "Bone Crusher", put an end to Denver Eddie's life on the lamb.
Neil Doyle The trouble with all those Torchy Blane movies were that they were all too similar in plot and style. In other words, if you've seen one, you've seen them all.Once again, Torchy finds a way to nab a criminal for her policeman pal Steve McBride, with the roles now played by JANE WYMAN and ALLEN JENKINS. Needless to say, they're not a convincing match. Wyman does all of her cutesy tricks that she employed during her early days at Warner Bros., and Jenkins plays a dumb cop in his usual style, for laughs. TOM KENNEDY is still on hand as the bumbling helpmate of the two, this time involved in a wrestling match that spins the film toward its finale.Fast moving entertainment, it's a B-film that played the second half of a double feature in 1939. Apparently, it didn't catch on as well as the series did with Glenda Farrell in the lead, so it became the last film of the Torchy Blane series.