Too Young to Be a Dad
Too Young to Be a Dad
| 10 June 2002 (USA)
Too Young to Be a Dad Trailers

When 15-year-old Matt Freeman gets his girlfriend, Francesca, pregnant, her family decides to put the unborn baby up for adoption. Matt agrees to the decision, but begins to rethink it. This movie is taken from the father's point of view.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
alexejr Overall, "Too Young to be a Dad" is a solid movie. It gives the point of view of the father, Matt, which is different from most teenage pregnancy movies. When Matt gets his girlfriend, Francesca, pregnant Matts family gets torn apart. He went from Honor Roll to another kid who knocked up a girl. Matt being the responsible kid he is, does the right thing and gets a job to pay back Francesca's parents. The most important thing, is at the end Matt kept the child that he felt guilty because he gave her up for adoption.The only thing that was confusing about that movie was after the kids have sex, it seems like it didn't happen. It kind of throws you off there.A combination of good acting and a solid story made this movie. I would recommend this to all MATURE people (fourteen and older). It's a great coming of age story that doesn't focus on the mother. Whoever watches this movie should be able to picture this happening in real life. Also, this movie should be watched with children and parents, it will show the results of having sex at a young age.
blanche-2 In reading the comments, I notice there is quite a bit written about "Too Young to be a Dad" that focus on the fact that at 15, the young boy in the film didn't feel ready to continue having sex with the more experienced young woman, who becomes pregnant.I'm not sure why that detail was included in the script, except it was probably meant to convey that he was a little more fine-tuned than other kids his age, and therefore would make the decisions he made later on in the film.But "Too Young to be a Dad" isn't about whether or not this kid wanted to have sex and whether or not this makes him gay or strange. It's about the reactions of two families, notably the boy's, to his getting a girl pregnant and its ramifications. Two of the finest actors around, Kathy Baker and Bruce Davison, play the boy's parents, because the story is about them as well.In this film, the boy takes full responsibility for his part in the pregnancy, and the focus is on him rather than the girl, which is a different take, and also why this, as well as "Unwed Father" was shown on Father's Day. His actions are commendable, and the point is well made, though there are some script elements that are bothersome. First of all, what kind of a place did these people live in? The committee members the mom deals with, the kids on the bus, etc., all act as if the girl was impregnated by an alien, and they'd never heard of such a thing. Hello, teen pregnancy is QUITE common. Secondly, unlike the harsh realities of "Unwed Father," this boy is able to make his decision knowing he has tons of support from his parents and his sister - which makes it a lot easier.Nevertheless, the movie is well-acted with some lovely scenes, particularly the one between Davison and Baker when she brings him his coffee after he loses his temper.Pregnancy has consequences, something often lost in the fantasy of wanting a baby. The young girl in this film had no such fantasy, but many young girls do. It's good to have a few movies around that focus on adoption, parent reactions, and decisions that need to be made.
Kendra SPOILER WARNINGThis movie is definitely in my list of good made-for-tv movies. It takes you into the world of Matt Freeman. He's fifteen, on the honor roll, and has two wonderful girls for friends. Then he makes his mistake. He sleeps with one of them (Francesca) only once, and gets her pregnant. From there the movie shows all the difficult choices he has to make, like sacrificing his good grades for a teen-parent program at school, getting a full-time job at a pizza place to pay Francesca's medical bills, and signing the baby away for adoption. His family is nearly torn apart by this, but they manage to stay together, and grow even stronger when Matt, after meeting his daughter for the first time, decides to keep her. This ends up becoming the family's decision, and we are left with the feeling that this is really what goes on with a young man when this happens to him.
sugarslushie06 This is definetely worth seeing. It may not be suitable 4 boys, but it shows what sex can lead 2. ITS about a 15-year old boy who impregnates a girl in his first sexual expierence. It may seem a lil too racy, but he learns from it. This is good cuz most teen pregnancy flicks all have to do w/ the girl and this is original. See it with your mom ! :)