Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru
| 15 July 2016 (USA)
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru Trailers

Granted unprecedented access, Berlinger captures renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins behind the scenes of his mega seminar Date with Destiny, pulling back the curtain on this life-altering and controversial event, the zealous participants and the man himself.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Evan Matthew Posing as a documentary, this infomercial amounts to forced feeding of Tony Robbins dog food. Nowhere is there any semblance of objectivity,or the slightest inkling of the real man. In other words, there's no insight into this self-absorbed hustler whose miracles are accepted at face value. Cringe-worthy in its relentless adulation, this film makes Fox News seem, as it claims, "Fair and Balanced" in comparison. Seeing wounded people gain momentary solace is hardly a vision of real mental or emotional healing. It seems clear how and why the filmmakers were given such complete access. The question that begs is whether they were also provided with funds by the Robbins organization. No thanks!
sanjay Lets start by saying I AM A FAN of the techniques that Tony Robbins offers those willing to have a go at improving some aspect of their lives. For me these techniques work, I apply them everyday and they have kept me above water and focused on some of the more important things i wish to achieve in life. So am i biased when it comes to recommending this movie? Probably. What intrigues me is the resistance and cynicism with which some approach this man. We all have some areas in our lives where we know we are falling short. But how many of us ever actually spend the money, get on an airplane and go and try and figure these things out? Very few is my best guess. It is however, easier for those who choose to avoid such personal issues to dismiss or be critical of the approach. I don't love everything at a Tony Robbins event. In fact there are things that can sometimes be annoying (such as groupie fans that hog the microphone just to hear the sound of their own voice and perhaps feel relevant, or "Significant" as Tony might say).Why I recommend this movie is because of the 'taste' it provides of a man who is genuinely motivated by the desire to help others improve their lot in life whilst actually offering a few tools that work in the real world. Whether he makes money out of the process is irrelevant to me. In fact, he should charge for what he does as the audience member then has 'skin in the game' and might actually be more motivated to make the changes which ultimately will enhance their own lives....which is the whole point. Is $5000 really too much money? Is it? What if it rekindles your relationship with a cousin or a sibling who you haven't spoken to in several years? Is it to much money to help a couple who live together but have basically stopped communicating properly? Is that $5000 better spent on a holiday where you can continue the lack of communication but only this time with a cocktail in hand and a palm tree in the background? I know a fair few people who proudly assert their religious, spiritual or atheistic nobility who unfortunately have deeply fractured relationships with loved ones, are difficult to sit next to at work or who just don't seem to be very happy in life (sorry for judging). Personally, i challenge any of these people to attend one of Tony Robbin's seminars and not come away with just one life changing adjustment which in turn has an amplified effect on one's sense of well being or fulfillment.The emotions we see in the film are real. What the film unfortunately fails to convey is the length of time, the effort, energy with which one man on the stage manages to speak about how we can improve aspects of our lives for 12-14 hours straight (with only momentary breaks). What the film also fails to convey is how during this time - however cynical you may have been going into one of these events - that you too are still sitting there 10 hours in, with more energy and hope for the future than you had before you came in. Donna Karan said it best when she said that even though there are 3000 people in the room, for some reason it feels like he is just talking to you. The dialogue that he expertly encourages, is the one you ultimately end up having with yourself. Going to an immersive event is what forces this inner conversation...otherwise it's all too easy to just sit back and watch the next episode of Game of Thrones.If the film leaves you with a curiosity to see what the event is like in person, then it has served its purpose. The real value is in attending and participating, not sitting back in an arm chair and criticizing. I have read that some say it's just a glorified commercial for an event. This - in an of itself - doesn't meant that you wont derive something of immense value by actually attending. We all have areas in our lives where we can do better. I appreciate the way this man has chosen to make his's certainly more admirable than the way I have chosen to make mine (or lack thereof!)
rarinnormal I'll never know precisely how this documentary/movie/whatever it is, plays out. There was so much profanity within the first few minutes, I sort of lost my desire to watch the rest. A WHOLE lot of F word variations, some S##T variations.. just, too much. I thought he was classier than that so it it surprised me a bit, but over a short time it just got kind of trashy and embarrassing. His audience would cuss too, no doubt brought on by his own cussing. Pretty disappointing really. I expected better. One or two curse words might have been OK, but this was so overdone I exited out and just had to write about it. Also within the short time I watched, Tony managed to talk about masturbation, and got one of the audience members to tell us that she taught her own daughter to tell her estranged father to go F%%K himself. High class I tell ya. I won't ever be tuning in to another one.
Jordan Merrick This movie is going to show you what Tony Robbins stands for and how he helps change people's lives.Some of the scenes are very moving and this movie helps you feel what they are feeling when you are watching it. Maybe not all that they are feeling, but it is a movie that has to be be watched.If you want to know what goes on during his events and a little bit of what happens behind the scenes, or even how he moves people. Then this movie is for you.Because most people don't realize what he teaches or even what he does, but most people have heard about him. Now you get to see a little bit of what goes on during these events and how people feel when they are going through them.