Tintorera: Killer Shark
Tintorera: Killer Shark
R | 07 June 1978 (USA)
Tintorera: Killer Shark Trailers

Two shark hunters flirt with an attractive British lady while hunting down a large tiger shark terrorizing the Mexican East coast.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
lukasbartl It's now a week ago that I watched the movie and I still don't know what to say. It definitely is not your average shark movie, actually it is not even a shark movie, as sharks have hardly any connection to the plot... I'm not sure whether plot is the correct word but maybe I just didn't get what it was all about, it was hard to follow as the language was often switching three or more times within one dialogue (but that also made the movie charming in an unexpected way) I won't even try to judge the plot because it is too long and complicated and I still have some unanswered questions but I can guarantee you that if you engage in the movie it will provide you with a two-hour-journey full of sexual confusion, a lot of beach and a long wait for a godot-like shark and it will leave you impressed. This movie is like a drug, that will take on a mind-boggling trip.
BA_Harrison Going by the year of its release, the title, the director and the gloriously over-the-top promotional art, one might reasonably expect ¡Tintorera! to be little more than a mindless, exploitative rip-off of Jaws, but while certain elements of the film have undoubtedly been inspired by Spielberg's '75 summer blockbuster, the film is surprisingly free of massive man-eating fish action for much of the time, focusing instead on the liberated sex lives of two men living life to the full in the Caribbean.Hugo Stiglitz plays businessman Steven, who is recovering from a nervous breakdown; Andrés García is gigolo Miguel, who trades sex for cash. Initially love rivals, both vying for the interest of the same woman, the men eventually become pals and, after sampling the delights of two care-free American girls (whose morals are so loose that they actively encourage a pair of rapists), they enter into a love triangle with sexy blonde Gabriella (Susan George). All is going swimmingly until Miguel is eaten while hunting sharks; after that, Gabriella ups and leaves (one man clearly not being enough for her) and Hugo dedicates himself to killing the fish that ate his friend.Steven and Miguel's constant womanising mean that the film is loaded with enough gratuitous nudity and sexy shenanigans to keep the viewer entertained until the chomping of not-so-innocent swimmers begins in earnest. And for those who like their films extra exploitative, and who aren't of a highly sensitive disposition, the film also features lots of real animal killing (purportedly stock footage, but I'm not so sure) which, although not quite as disturbing as that in Cannibal Holocaust, is still quite callous, with a cute manta ray bleeding from its gills being particularly unsettling.As far as the attacks on humans by the tiger shark are concerned, the first is fairly tame (a weak copy of the opening scene from Jaws), and a later feeding frenzy on a group of skinny dippers leaves the water bright red with blood, but it is Miguel's death that packs in the gnarliest gore, the poor guy having his legs torn off and his head left rolling around on the ocean floor. Tintorera was either extremely annoyed at the number of sharks that Miguel had killed or seriously disapproved of his philandering ways.
Hollow_Man Horror always manages to find the secret fears of a generation, and this snapshot of the dying tail of the 70's senses something dangerous in the waters the fashionably hedonistic elite had jumped into - beautiful beaches, frank sex, blue waters, and an all devouring emptiness swimming up from beneath, all teeth and dark eyes.Three times in this film main characters decide they will enjoy a rational, comfortable, idyllic, liberated and jealousy free relationship, and each time their relationship is torn apart by... well, a big shark. As a metaphor goes it's a bit on the nose, but as a stand in for all the messy jealousies, rivalries, hurts and disease that circle the lifestyle portrayed, a big hungry shark does bring a certain simplicity - it certainly saves on dialogue. The characters may believe they are in paradise, but reality has no such illusions. The disinterest and offhand violence of the characters let's us know all is not right with them, and the world around them reflects these traits back in it's purest form. A hungry fish.None of this is to say this is a GOOD movie, which it is not by any means. It does, however, capture something greater than the "soft core with a shark" tag indicates... which explains the perhaps otherwise inexplicable fact that people still talk about this film today.
The_Void Despite the fact that most of them are complete crap, I do actually consider myself a fan of the Jaws rip-offs. I've had a copy of this film for a long while but I've continually put off watching it, and the reason for that is simply down to the running time; 127 minutes is far, far too long for a silly and trashy Jaws rip off. That being said, this film is more like a trashy and exploitative soap opera than a Jaws rip-off, but even so; the runtime is still far too long. It almost feels like the scenes of the shark have been thrown in as an afterthought, and that possibly could be the case; as aside from a few minor events, the shark hardly figures in the movie at all. The plot is actually quite complicated, but to cut a long story short; what we basically have is two men who meet on holiday and soon fall out over a girl. Soon after that they become friends again and decide to go womanising together, several times. They're so busy with their womanising that they don't realise that some of their girlfriends are being picked off by a hungry tiger shark! It's a shame that the film is more like a soap opera than a horror movie really because the horror parts of the film are actually not bad, it's just the dull and tedious 'drama' side of it that lets it down. The film really does drag far too often, and that's really not what you want from a film that is supposed to be fun. The version of the film that I saw looks like it had been pieced together from two different sources as half of it was in English (dubbed) and the other half was in Spanish. This actually gives the film a rather surreal feel as the language is constantly chopped and changed. When the shark actually does feature, we do at least get some good gore with it and several of these sequences are actually really well worked. The film is somewhat notorious for its animal killing scenes and that's hardly surprising because plenty of fish get butchered and it's not nice viewing - worse than Cannibal Holocaust, that is for sure! The underwater scenes are really good, however - but a lot of them are probably just documentary footage spliced into the film. It all boils down to a decent enough conclusion, but I cant bring myself to really like this film because it's just too much of a mess. Cool title though.
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