Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Well I have been planning to watch this movie for quite a while now because I had a lot of other stuff to do and have other things when I first planned to watch. Also at first I was put because of the image it had to offer on the poster but after when I discovered a few clips of it and found out good voice actor from the english dub I then decided to check it out. This movie is about a world where robots are slaves/butlers to their owners and they would get scolded at if the robot makes their own decision or ignores what the owner wants. However, slowly the main protagonist finds a way of how the androids present their and they hide but only let out in front of each other.Rikuo Sakisaka (the main character) is studying robots with his friend at school Masakazu Masaki who believes androids don't have or care about each other because of his troubled childhood with his robot. Rikuo Sakisaka also has a personal and pretty I must say Android of his own called Sammy who mainly wants to make Rikuo happy no matter what so she lets him charge his phone in her and makes him coffee.Rikuo is also living with his parents who are always working and his sister who is most of the time drunk. Rikuo and Masakazu discover this cafe' by the name of Time of Eve which is ran by this beautiful waitress called Nagi. Where both humans and robots can freely talk and interact with each other. We are also introduced to a couple who go their regularly, an old man and his fostered daughter, some dumpster bot and a cute girl called Akiko who are all robots that we see there. I won't be spoiling any more plots or details about this movie but all I can say is the plot is good especially if you are into animes that have robots and androids, the art style is good and the english dubbing cast is great especially since good voice actor like Carrie Keranen, Yuri Lowanthal, Michael Sinterniklaas, Cassandra Lee Morris and Stephanie Sheh are involved.This is my review for this movie. If your going or planning to watch this movie soon enjoy the time of EVE.
Bliss Quest
A very interesting perspective on the human-robot relationship of the future. Sophisticated computers (databases) masqueraded as robots or androids based on a few humanoid features. So how does one emotionally bond with a machine (database)? I cried toward the end of this film, so that alone is telling of the question for which the answer is not so cut and dry. I guess the mind of the human of the future will be more accepting or open to the idea of a machine satisfying all their emotional needs (we know the physical is already possible. wink, wink)
San Ookamitora
Time of Eve was playing as part of the Scotland Loves Anime festival in Edinburgh, and my mother, brother and I watched it as part of a double bill with Lupin lll vs Conan. All I can say is. Wow. Tears were flowing out of that theatre. In the not so distant future, androids have become a part of every day life for human beings-working as housekeepers, cooks, assistants, teachers,nannies, servers or even slaves. The androids look exactly like human beings, and can act and think like them too. However, the problem is, androids aren't allowed to act like humans and are forced to display a holographic ring around their heads to show they are androids whenever they are out running errands for their masters. A young man named Rikuo Sakisaka discovers that his woman-form android Sammy who is only supposed to pick up groceries and cook, clean and make coffee has a mysterious message in her activity logs-"Are you enjoying the time of eve?" Along with his friend Masukazu, Masaki, he finds that "Time of Eve" is actually a hidden café where humans and androids can meet and not discriminate one another. The bar lady, a girl named Nagi is one of these people who enforce these strict rules. No one wears a ring and no one discriminates. Among the café regulars are a feisty hyperactive redheaded girl named Akiko, the couple Koji and Rina, Shemei an old man and his foster child a baby girl called Chie and Setoro a man who constantly comes in to read. Rikuo's eyes are slowly opened that androids are no different than he is, but Masukazu has a harder time opening up until a distant memory makes him think otherwise. This film's style and atmosphere is very similar to that of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars. It's very soft with it's colour pallet and since it's the future, everything has this very metallic and chromed look to it. The voice actors are all great ( I only saw the Japanese/English subtitled version) and they sound as though they really are in that situation. Te characters themselves are very believable-Rikuo learns that androids are people too, but he is fearful at the advancement of Sammy's programming. Masukazu is a funny, sarcastic character, however the language he uses can be a directly drawn parallel to racism to black people in 1960s USA. His eyes take an even slower time to open before he eventually remembers THX (TEX) his old robotic nanny who cared for him more than his parents and that his father shut down like a piece of junk. Sammy the housekeeping android does what she is told ans patiently awaits orders and commands from her master. However she still sees Rikuo as more than just a master. She loves him as family, and considers his kin to be her own, thus why she is so loyal. My favourite had to be Akiko who never sat still, always got excited and behaved exactly like a real human girl, as well as Chie the adorable toddler android who constantly pretended to be a cat! "Miaow!" Finally, I would like to address the themes of this film. Imagine the androids are not androids, but rather a different race of people. They do all the chores and jobs humans usually don't want to do and are mercilessly picked on and seen as something that doesn't matter and is below everyone else. Ringing any bells? The fact that they aren't treated as equals and are usually the butt of awful jokes can be equated to the treatment of black people many years ago. The ring above their heads that they are required to show whilst going out can easily be equated with the Jewish people in WW2 who were forced to wear a yellow star, shaming them, telling others to keep clear. It is very heartbreaking to think that if this IS the future, it looks very bright for some and very bleak for others, just as the 60s were to many. Even if racism amongst humans or even animals disappears completely, people will still find ways to discriminate. It's a vicious cycle. Time of Eve is a title with the meaning a "slice of heaven," a place where no one judges or is judged. Outside this beautiful bubble, life for the androids are hard as hell. Akiko, a carefree teenager in the café, is still a misused, poorly treated slave to her master, a schoolboy who commands her to "Carry my Bag!" Once again, the Japanese Anime industry has given us something wonderfully unique and clever. This is a perfect example that we are all equals and that racism should not be tolerated. I hope others will enjoy this and feel the same way.
Chiisa Marume
Okay, I'm not trying to be way-too-realistic bastard and whatnots. The thing is, no matter how many times I tried to think it over, the word 'ridiculous' kept popping as my final conclusion.Some people might get touched by the 'understanding-each-other' theme of this movie, but seriously, human understanding robot and vice-versa? I mean, that's not even possible even if you flip heaven and earth backwards. Even 'Swords Art Online' (which I pretty much detest) is rather rational than this one.And let me list some of ridiculous things that annoyed me most (you may hate me for this): 1. In the cafe "Time of Eve", no one can really tell which ones humans and robots. The hell?! Just touch their limbs! Or maybe just listen to their footsteps! There's no way that a pile of metal-junk is going to have light footsteps like humans do! Or... mushy limbs like human, and by the way... even stupid can differentiate between human's (real) iris and the robotic one. Not to mention the hair (robot's must be fake), their movement or gesture, skin, and breath (Robot doesn't breath, please!) 2. On top of that, they're drinking coffee! Where did all those liquid went? My... I don't know what to say...I'm not really a religious person, but please, there's no way human can develop such technologies. Even artificial intelligence isn't as intelligent as they're said to be. Human's brain is still the best technology has ever made, and there's no changing that. Let's just see the next 50 years, there's no freaking way. The world is going to be either still struggling to find way to develop such technologies (in which they'll end up exhausting themselves to no avail), or destroyed because of all the smogs and chemical's waste. Just you see...The theme of the story was good, but sadly, it lacks rationality. Even fantasy has its own laws and explanation. And I have to admit that sparkling-skinned vampire (hell, yeah, I hate those saga) sounds even more rational than robot became like human.Overall, it'll be a great story if you change the robot into another entities; vampires maybe? or demon, or whatever.