Thunder in the Sun
Thunder in the Sun
NR | 08 April 1959 (USA)
Thunder in the Sun Trailers

A band of Basque immigrants treks through the Old West toward California, where they hope to put down roots and open wineries. When the group's leader dies, his widow Gabrielle marries his brother in accordance with Basque tradition. But it's a loveless union; Gabrielle is smitten with Lon Bennett, the scout who's been hired to guide them on their journey.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
davidjanuzbrown This is a movie that I like more then most people. I am not of Basque Heritage, so I cannot say what they did wrong as far as a culture and language is concerned. But if you watch the movie you will see that it is the Basque Settlers ( who needed to plant grape vines they brought from France) as opposed to the American trail guide, Lon ( Jeff Chandler) that comes up with the plan to defeat the Indians. The best one in the movie is Gabrielle Dauphin ( Susan Hayward) who is in a loveless, arraigned marriage to Andre. She is the walking definition of a spitfire, which you see in her flamingo dance and the settlers want to quit and she keeps them going, and when she pulls a gun on Lon and he knows she will use it. Andre simply cannot handle her ( even his mother calls him old). Andre is eventually killed by accident, but by tradition his younger brother Pepe must marry her. Of course, the one she really loves is Lon. Spoilers ahead: The way the Basque and Lon take to the mountains and defeat the Indians is something to watch. At the end Lon finds the perfect spot to plant the vines, which he shows to Gabrielle and Pepe, and Pepe sees the love that they have for each other. Pepe said to Lon " The best way to marry is for love." and he lets him have her. 9/10 Stars mostly for Hayward who dominates every scene she is in.
williwaw Susan Hayward was a great star and always a great treat to watch the dynamic redhead from Brooklyn in any film. This film co stars Susan Hayward and her friend of many years Jeff Chandler. Together Hayward and Chandler make a great team and a very enjoyable film to watch. Susan Hayward was always a tough lady never afraid of anything and in fact was insistent that her dialogue not portray weakness. To see a Hayward movie like this is to be aware of the back story of any Hayward film: Susan Hayward carefully controlled her successful image. I believe this film was shot right after her classic I Want To Live and was given a quick release, and faded from view, and is not highly regarded as a Susan Hayward film. I disagree, any film with the Tough Lady from Brooklyn is good to watch. And Susan Hayward by all regards not at all sentimental in real life was both fond of Chandler and mourned Jeff Chandler. Postscript: Susan Hayward like many top female stars preferred certain cameramen, and in this film Ms. Hayward's favorite Stanley Cortez is cinematographer.As we all know Susan Hayward died far too young of brain cancer during her dying days, Katharine Hepburn paid a visit to the dying star. The Great Garbo also paid a visit to the dying Hayward such as the respect Ms. Hayward was regarded by her peers. Barbara Stanwyck also a friend sent flowers. Roz Russell appeared on a radio show the day after Ms. Hawyard died and mourned her friend Ms. Hayward.
jstubblefield-2 If we want Hollywood to get historical and ethnic content correct, then there are precious few movies ever made in Hollywood that are above reproach. Come on! This is just a grade B Hollywood western, and when I saw it back when it came out, I was so entertained and moved by it that I remember it even to this day as a first rate entertainment with unforgettable thrills and spills. Who really cares if the Basques and the native Americans were portrayed accurately? When did Hollywood EVER do that for any group? The reason I looked the movie up here in the first place was because I thought about it for the thousandth time since I saw it and decided it is high time to watch it again. I remembered Susan Hayward (who could forget her?) but couldn't remember who the male lead was. Jeff Chandler, I see now. I just want to say that while I sincerely respect and understand the criticism of the typical Hollywood shallow, thoughtless approach to ethnic and historical accuracy, if you can get past that -- as you MUST do if you're ever going to enjoy these old flicks for what they are worth -- the movie is a whole lot of fun to watch.
dbdumonteil ....or how History repeats itself.At the end of the 8th century,the Basques beat Charlemagne in Roncevaux in the Pyrénées mountains !When Bergerac evokes his ancestors' feat,he was historically accurate;later the chanson de geste "la chanson de Roland " (which enhanced Charlemagne's so-called nephew count Roland) forgot the Basques and turned them into Sarrazins. the end of the movie is a second "Roncevaux" ,the Indians replacing good old Carolus Magnus and his fair knights.For the rest of the movie,as I do not know anything about the basques traditions,I will not argue with the precedent users who complain about the lack of knowledge of basque culture of the writers.The director used a lot of French actors -Heyward and Chandler are like Martians in such a company- ,all virtually unknown in their native country,even the lead Bergerac.This is a rather short film,mainly if we consider that the beginning consists of singing and dancing (Heyward 's flamenco,more Spanish than Basque,being one of the highlights of a fairly tepid story).Sometimes the Basques speak French,most of the time English,even between them,which makes the story unconvincing.Susan Heyward,as gorgeous as ever,contents herself with a few words .
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