This Year's Love
This Year's Love
| 19 February 1999 (USA)
This Year's Love Trailers

The big-screen debut from Scottish stage director David Kane, This Year's Love is a comedy about the romantic misadventures of six young people in Camden, North London. The marriage of tattoo artist Danny (Douglas Hanshall) and dressmaker Hannah (Catherine McCormack) gets off to a less-than-inspiring start when Danny finds out Hannah has already been fooling around with a friend's husband, so Danny takes a walk and Hannah splits with a friend to get drunk. At the airport, where the newly-weds were supposed to leave for a honeymoon, Danny meets a cleaning woman named Mary (Kathy Burke) and is immediately infatuated, while Hannah is picked up by a scruffy artist named Cameron (Dougray Scott). Elsewhere, Liam (Ian Hart), a geeky comic-art enthusiast who shares an apartment with Cameron, finds romance with Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), a single mother and full-time neurotic.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
blearyboy This Year's Love was released at a time in the fit of madness that followed Four Weddings And A Funeral, when everyone was desperate to rush out their very British romantic comedies. This Year's Love sadly got lumped it with all of these (generally poor) movies, which is a pity because it's one of the finest British films of the nineties.It's not cute, although it does have charm. It's not a comedy, although there are some very funny bits in it. It's not particularly romantic, although it's probably a lot more honest about love than anything Richard Curtis has ever written. What it is is an example of the kind of movie Britain can do like almost nobody else: a small, dense, focused study of well-written characters being slowly destroyed by their own flaws, unfolding gradually like a really great novel. It's dense and meaty and thoughtful and sad, and essential viewing for anyone who's left cold by the more treacle vision of the Four Weddings... school of movie-making.It does have a frantic dash to the airport at the end, I must admit. Although even that defies normal expectations.
robert_gray ....I have seen! Great cast and soundtrack but the both the story line and script are awful.Whilst understanding that people may want a more 'gritty' romantic comedy than say Four Weddings or Love Actually this film fails to deliver.In fact I do not think it was a comedy at all! Also I felt no feeling or love towards any of the characters.All of them did not have my sympathy or understanding as quite frankly they are a dismal self obsessed bunch (Sophie being the worst offender!) This is meant to be more 'real' than the other British films I have mentioned. But thank God I have not ever come across people like this during my relationships in real life!!! There are much better 'realistic' British films out there and great romantic comedies like Four Weddings, Notting Hill etc etc
coyets Just as in real life, we are introduced to characters who are not going anywhere, have only vague goals in life, and are still experimenting, most of them being fairly young. Because the film is set in Camden Town, the characters we are introduced to are fairly extreme in the above respects, but such are exactly the sort of people I met and got to know in places in London like that. The choices of relationship reflect the immature experimentation. The cinema viewer can see that the relationships cannot possibly work out. The whole film was so realistic that I sometimes did not know whether to laugh or to cry. Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), the upper class lady living in a down-trodden environment but loath to cut off her ties with her roots, was particularly well played.After getting to know the characters through their interactions with each of the others, the film then steered to an end which, on reflection, seemed to be the only possible solution for everybody.This film is brilliant. It is far more realistic than The Full Monty, let alone Notting Hill.
S.D This is a very funny film and all the actors do a great job. The best has to be Dougray Scott as handsome Scot, Cameron. Despite his treatment of the woman in the film, Cameron is a loveable character and you can't help but feel sorry for him when he gets a bucket of yellow paint thrown over his face as he lies in bed!!! - what a scene!