This Revolution
This Revolution
| 29 June 2005 (USA)
This Revolution Trailers

Jake Cassevetes is a world renowned shooter just back from being embedded during the U.S. invasion of Iraq. As a well-paid stringer for the networks, Jake does not buy into the currently vogue, left-wing conspiracy theory of a corporate-controlled press. But, after discovering much of his best footage in Iraq was censored by the network, Jake is growing disillusioned with his corporate masters. When he gets an assignment to shoot on the streets of the Republican National Convention protests, he meets Seven, one of the young leaders of the masked anarchist Black Bloc. Jake quickly wins the trust of the group and is allowed to shadow them as they move through the demo. Later that night, after shooting Seven with her mask down describing the Bloc's militant objectives, the videotape is mistakenly returned to the network with the rest of his footage. When he goes to retrieve the tape, he is...

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nyrone I just finished watching 'This Revolution' and I must say that it was far, far better than some of the average review scores from mainstream media organizations that it has been receiving...but that's exactly the point! The stupid, corrupt, idiotic mass-media corporate scumbags that pollute the world with their false bile obviously could never begin to fathom the beauty and courage of this small independent film about a group of anti-war, anti-neo-con protesters who are working to just find a bit of peace in this increasingly selfish, money-obsessed world.This is a brilliant film for anyone who cringes when they switch on mainstream rubbish like CNN, NBC and FOX NEWS and recognise the gargantuan lies staring them straight in the face. This is for the people that absorb the words of people like Noam Chomsky, Bill Hicks, John Pilger, Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, Immortal Technique, Hugo Chavez, Tariq Ali, Frank Zappa and George Orwell and despair at the so-called 'democracy' or 'political system' that we as a people have found ourselves in. The film also features a cameo by 'Immortal Technique' who is probably the most brilliant, witty, tightest, revolutionary rapper working in the US at the moment...(we all await the middle passage!)This film represents truth and light in a time of pitch-black political darkness. The protesters portrayed are just like the real people who marched all over the world, sick of the lies, sick of the imperialism, sick of the dead children as collateral damage, sick of arrogant, blood-thirsty politicians dreaming of oil, sick of the way the media always shows one side of the ever-complicated story. It's a film about some of these things...and much more..I wish I see more heavily-political films like this being made...that are not afraid to be polemic and personal with regards to the immoral and racist actions of the goverments of Bush, Blair and Howard... We NEED more voices like this in the world. Congratulations to all the cast & crew It's a work of passion, but its paid off... You guys have made a truly honest film in a world and industry filled with lies...10/10 GET HOLD OF THIS MOVIE!!!
Number5Toad Produced entirely within 100 days, funded on a shoestring budget, featuring no big name actors and only a handful of B-list celebrities, and as director Stephen Marshall's first attempt at fiction (or docu-drama if you prefer), This Revolution is still a standout. Our protagonist Jake is a well written character who I absolutely hate - he's the guy we all know that espouses radical beliefs and anti-establishment rhetoric while collecting a corporate paycheck and seeing the world on their dime. His recent trip to Iraq was only the opening stage of his awakening - through the course of the story he slowly realizes the absurdity of his situation and the full extent of the exploitation he suffers at the hands of his employers. His ultimate rejection of the corporate culture and his final act of rebellion against his former employers are like the middle finger to big business that all of us secretly wish we could hoist into the air. Most of the acting is shaky - understandable since most of the actors aren't, well, actors - but the incredible performances by Rosario Dawson and Immortal Technique justify the price of admission or the DVD. Ultimately, the docu-drama idea isn't quite as well executed as the classic Medium Cool, but the backdrop of the RNC protests are a very rich and colorful setting for the fictional events. I was happy to see all the footage of protesters that nobody else was willing to show me. Not Mr. Marshall's best work - I'd save that accord for his documentary BattleGround - but well worth watching on many levels.
elrey27 I also saw this film at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival and I nearly walked out, but couldn't not watch, it was so bad. The story was so unbelievable, I felt no real sympathy for the protagonist who is arrogant and cheats on his girlfriend, the storyline that eventually unfolds between Jake and Tina is completely predictable, the footage looks horrible. I should have walked out when the director himself announced before the screening that it was conceived, written, cast, shot, and edited in less than 100 days. Believe me, it shows.I have no problem with directors putting themselves in their own films - many greats have done it. But it is quite another thing when you're making a film that is arguably propaganda (and yes, my politics are very much to the left) and less satire and you cast yourself as the leader of an underground political action group. Not only that, but you look several times directly into the camera and deliver a barrage of your own personal politics. That's just bad film-making.Don't waste your time on this film. If you want propaganda, watch Michael Moore. At least his work is documentary and you know what you're getting, and it's not veiled ever so thinly in narrative. If you want satire, watch Dr. Strangelove or Wag The Dog. Maybe Mr. Marshall should, too.
BlindFish I caught a screening of this at the True/False Documentary film festival in Columbia, Missouri, and I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting a cool documentary into the protest and activism surrounding the RNC, but what I got was a largely flawed, bad-acted, fictitious, conspiracy ridden badly woven tale. I'd heard of its neo-documentary technique, "blending both True and False" but I expected more along the lines of a fictitious storyline developed for a better personification and to create a sense of unity between real interviews, but it was more along the lines of a terrible made-for-conspiracy theory TV movie.The acting overall is terrible except for Rossario, which is not surprising considering the Director at the screening said most of the lead characters had no acting training, his excuse being that he wanted them to be real. Heres a hint, real people can't act, but actors can usually act real.It would of been not so cornily offensive if it wasn't blatantly obvious about how keen he was to push this extremely radical conspiracy theory onto us throughout the whole movie, its especially hysterical when we get a scene where the director cameos and starts ranting on about ridiculously stupid theories and secret agendas. The movie also does a good job of laughably stereotyping every single role, it tries so hard to romanticize these street activists and stamp a big 'Good' or 'Evil' on every character.Skip it, maybe find yourself a nice real documentary/