| 28 February 2016 (USA)
Thirteen Trailers

This Five-part BBC psychological drama follows Ivy Moxam, a 26-year-old woman who was abducted when she was 13 and held captive for the next 13 years. The story begins as she escapes the cellar she was being held in and goes to the police station to report her ordeal to D.S. Lisa Merchant and D.I. Elliott Carne. But as she narrates and relives her experiences with the police, cracks begin to appear in Ivy's version of events leading the officers and her family to question her story. Will she ever reveal the truth about what she experienced in her captor's house?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
bjarias ..this is BBC crime-drama at its best... ..all the way through, right up to the very end.. ..the writing and acting is perfect....this is a story having been told many times before.. ..but this time in a way that lets you feel is fresh....for a young actor only 25 years old.. ..she's done some substantial work.. check her credits.. ..she'd be a full-fledged star in this country.. ..better to stay put, and keep appearing in top notch work....bravo.. all round !!
markgringo I will admit I am probably biased - I am retired Police. I am amazed at how many good reviews I have seem for this. NO way in a million years would the victim be interviewed by police in the way portraid. To begin with, she would be de-briefed by trained psycologist - a victim of this type would be so traumatised she would be retreating inwards as a self defence mechanism, afraid to talk and afraid to communicate. The acting is wooden and completetly unrealist, and most of the proceedures and interviews shown would not comply with any guidelines, would be inadmisable in any court, and so it goes on. Perhaps worst of all, from the very start, we have a potential traumatised victim being treated as a suspect, in a barely repectful way. No modern police service would get away with such inept investigation or interview techniques. Clearly, whoever wrote this knows little about such offences, and even less about how police would go about investigating it. I find this series offensive to the hard efforts and selfless work put into such investigations by real police, who do investigate such things.
DAVID B. GREEN The final three minutes in every episode are worthy of making the viewer want to watch the next. The previous episodic minutes were slow, boring, devoid of any kind of reasonable or interesting plot, depicted poor characterizations and with a continuous display of terrible acting, direction, poor use of camera and completely devoid of dramatic technique. This is drivel at its finest BUT with a great hook at the end of each episode. The policing is portrayed as inept and borders on pathetic. Just not credible. Soft. Morse would have had this case wrapped up in 90 minutes flat. I also found the incessant whispering and pregnant and extended pauses just served to annoy rather than create a dramatic motif or anything of any real substance or value. However, do they know how to create a hook. Brilliant stuff. I think if the final three minutes from each of the first four episodes could be edited together along with a 10 minute opening act exposition explaining what happened and a 5 minute piece from the beginning and end of episode five as a finale then this could have been 30 minutes of compelling TV drama. As it is, this is a mess, with consistently bad acting, writing, direction, production values. I was wanting it to end and preferably with all the actors losing out in some way. I was attached to none of it and the leads were all terrible. The family unit stunk. But those closing three minutes...that is why it gets a 3 as opposed to a nil.
marthagaubert I want to see the rest . these first 2 disc only left you hanging for more . I called my public library but they do not have any other ones. Please finish making these disc. This movie was wonderful . Kept you on the edge of your seat than wham it was over not telling you if the 10 year old 2 kidnapped girl is saved . I WANT MORE PLEASE ! :( My husband and I love god thrilling movies like this . We want to see if the 10 year old girl is saved by the 26 year old woman that was kidnapped by the same man for 13 years . If the 26 year old named Ivy goes to meet the man again to save the other 10 year old life we to know what happens. It is a mini series but I was told I might have to wait 1-2 years before I get to see the final part of it .That is a long time to wait to see the end of a movie !