They Won't Believe Me
They Won't Believe Me
NR | 16 July 1947 (USA)
They Won't Believe Me Trailers

On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ikedelman-1 Robert Young plays a real heel. One of his conquests is killed and he is blamed. The film does not follow a formula. The ending is a shocker.
LeonLouisRicci The Strong Cast of Robert Young, Jane Greer, Susan Hayward, and Rita Johnson Along With a Deep an Adulterous Story Propel This One Along. The Protagonist is a Gigolo, Cad, and You're Only Likely to Find That in a Leading Man in the World of Noir.The Long and Complicated Affairs and Other Bad Behavior are Told in Flashback and the "Truth" of it All is Forever In Doubt. Hayward and Greer are Beautiful Enough to Lure the Wandering Libido of Young Easily and He Slides from One to Another Like a Slimy EEL.There isn't Much Style or Photographic Expressionism Although there are a Few Scenes that Evoke an Other World Like the Dark Pools of Water and the Palomino Loyalty. The Narration from the Witness Stand Over the Flashbacks Adds a Bit of the Surreal and Make it All Seem Dreamlike.Overall, Maybe Not Top-Tier Film-Noir but a Solid Entry and the Attractive Performers Along with Some Snappy Writing Make This Worth Checking Out. It is Unlikely to Disappoint.Note...Some reliable sources say that the original 95 Minute version is hard to find and most prints available show an 80 Min. running time.
vincentlynch-moonoi The first problem with this film is that there's no way you're going to like the lead character, played by Robert Young. He's a decided womanizer and as unfaithful as they come -- a wife and 2 lovers in just 95 minutes. Not to mention being a would-be murderer.The second problem with this film is that you're not going to like the wife (Rita Johnson), either. She's clearly manipulating her husband with her money.The third problem with this film is that you're not going to like the first "other woman", played by Jane Greer...well, you might have a little sympathy for her, and there's an interesting twist with this character.The fourth problem with this film is that you're not going to like the second "other woman", played by Susan Hayward. Clearly a gold digger.The fifth problem with this film is that there are just too many coincidences to be viable.Not liking a single main character is problematic for the film. Who does the audience root for? Nevertheless, as unbelievable as the story line may be, it's still pretty interesting with enough twists to keep your attention. And, while you won't like the characters, the acting is pretty decent.
Leofwine_draca THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME is an inventive, interestingly-played-out narrative involving a womanising husband who finds himself implicated in various murders. His story is told in flashback via his testimony in the courtroom, giving the viewer the opportunity to act as the jury and work out whether he's indeed guilty or not.Some of the story feels gimmicky but in this case the gimmicks work, leaving this a fresh-feeling tale whose outcome you can never predict. It's also a film-noir with a difference, in that the characters aren't all as adulterous, blackmailing and dastardly as in most films of this genre; many, in fact, are relatively decent.Robert Young makes for an engaging hero and the various love interests of the tale are all as attractive as you'd expect for a movie of this era. It's not exactly a story that will set the world on fire, but as a watchable film THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME works well enough.