They Came Back
They Came Back
| 27 October 2004 (USA)
They Came Back Trailers

The lives of the residents of a small French town are changed when thousands of the recently dead inexplicably come back to life and try to integrate themselves into society that has changed for them.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
fedor8 I suppose it was about time someone approached the whole "living dead" shtick from a different angle, i.e. from a non-cannibalistic, non-flesh-ripping, non-moaning-and- walking-slowly-while-longing- for-fresh-live-human-flesh perspective.While "Les Revenants" doesn't tackle the subject stupidly, I do fell as if they hadn't gone far enough, as if they'd not gone much further than scratching the surface. There is mention of the financing, the pensions, old jobs, fear, re-introduction to society and all that, but I felt there was so much more that could have been included. In fact, a TV series should have been made out of this (were it not for the simple fact that nearly all TV series turn out crap), simply due to the large scope of interesting dilemmas and questions that the premise offers.The realism was somewhat lacking at the outset, as regards how the world reacted to the dead coming back to life. There would have been massive panic, plenty of chaos, emotions would have run high all across the board. Not in this movie. Here the living seemed to react with as much apathy as the dead reacted to having been risen. Everyone looks downbeat and morose, like in some daft Bergman drama. So yes, this movie's Euro-roots are showing. You'd expect scenes of people who have recently departed relatives and friends to rush to morgues and "zombie camps" – but no. The zombies walk around as if not too happy they'd been brought back to life, while the living watch the processions of zombies with almost as little emotion. This, of course, makes no sense whatsoever. Even an annual city parade evokes far more emotion. Even a game of bingo in a retirement home evokes more reactions, fcrissakes. But I guess the director was so focused on making a serious zombie film, a "zombie drama" if you will, that he subdued the emotionalism. He overdid it. This is the one aspect of the movie where the writer miscalculated when it came to human behaviour and the psychological impact of such a staggering event.The zombies are even described as "full of energy, always wanting to move about", which is kind of ironic since they looked so sleepy and disinterested.Interestingly enough, the director chose not to delve into the question of why it happened. Perhaps because if he had done so he would have had to go down the obvious route of admitting that such an event could only have been sponsored by a divine being, i.e. the Bearded One. Furthermore, if God existed and suddenly raised the dead, that could only mean that it was some kind of test for mankind. (The Bible is full of God's endless testing of his luckless human subjects/guinea-pigs.) Maybe the director wanted to avoid the whole religious aspect of it which is why no explanation was given for the bizarre occurrence.I guess if anyone truly insisted on an explanation of why God had risen 70 million dead, one could always use the tried-and-true, self-serving, all-purpose explanation, a perennial favourite: "He moves in mysterious ways".But what I really sorely missed in TCB was not an explanation. I missed seeing Geraldine Pailhas's breasts. The director teases the (male) viewer time and time again, but always only from behind, in the dark or showing too little. In the end we don't get to see them at all. So Geraldine's breasts are much like the premise here; a lot of teasing but in the end nothing. Still, an interesting movie.
sincityhero Let me save everyone 2 hours of their life. So, "zombies", i use that term loosely, come back from the dead. Why? you don't know and you wont find out either. They are integrated back into society....cue the hour and a half of nothingness. Talking, talking, and more talking........OK, some bombs go off and a kid jumps off a balcony, sounds cool right? things are picking up right? wrong. The end. So my review doesn't make sense, exactly, neither does this piece of crap movie. Why are there zombies, how are there zombies, what are they doing, and where are they'll never find out. The only good IMDb scores come from people who wanna pretend they're artsy and "get it". They don't get it and they know this movie blows. Spend your 2 hours trying to bite your own ear, at least it's entertaining to someone, unlike this crap.
lastliberal If you like zombies, then you must certainly find 70 million of them to be a real delight. In fact, in the town in this film, 13,000 returned from the dead.But, you will be disappointed in the fact that there is no blood or gore, no eating of brains. This is just what the French do best - give us a film that makes us think for 103 minutes.Yes, they have come back, but they marched peacefully into town. They looked as if they were just buried yesterday, even though some had bee gone for 10 years. Mostly old, there were some infants and in one of the three families featured, a six-year-old.It is curious that the French do not get upset; they proceed to develop plans to temporarily resettle the zombies while they learn their identities and check them out medically. They, of course, make plans to repatriate them to their families and jobs and make provisions for assistance - most are over 60, as you would expect.But, the film focuses on three families: one who lost a six-year-old four years ago, one whose wife lost her husband, and one elderly couple reunited. All those questions of how you deal with loved ones returning after you have already grieved keep popping through your mind. Sometimes, in the case of the parents and child, there are different responses.The film does not explore why they came back, and why they suddenly leave again. It is more concerned with how people deal with death. It is a thoughtful film that really keeps your attention, even though some complain about its slowness. Well, of course it is slow, it is a film about zombies.
richard-III I found it to be a very good, eerie, sometimes creepy, but certainly emotionally disturbing film.Okay, if you expected to see flesh-ripping granny's who leave their denture sets in bloodied victims, you might get disappointed. This certainly is not a horror/action movie.One of Ray Bradbury's MARTIAN CHRONICLES told about one of the first earth expeditions on Mars, where they found a small town just like home, in the USA. Its inhabitants were deceased family members, loved ones of our astronauts, who completely forgot their mission and went off to the people they once said goodbye to. Bradbury's story end rather horrible, but the emotional quality is certainly here. And people who have experienced that their grandparents died, or their parents, or a brother or a sister, your wife or husband, know how it is to fantasize that their loved ones come back. Well, LES REVENANTS plays it out that they do come back. And what next?