Theatre of Death
Theatre of Death
| 01 November 1967 (USA)
Theatre of Death Trailers

The Theatre of Death in Paris specialises in horror presentations. A police surgeon finds himself becoming involved in the place through his attraction to one of the performers. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town he realises there could be links with the theatre.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lee Eisenberg Samuel Gallu's "Theatre of Death" starts out interesting but peters out once Christopher Lee disappears. The movie can't be seen as Lee's finest moment but he makes the movie worth seeing. He plays a theater director whose theater may be linked to a series of murders. The only other prominent cast member is Julian Glover, who played Walter Donovan in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and now stars on "Game of Thrones" (which I haven't seen). Christopher Lee plays a really impressive role, as does Leila Goldoni, but the movie would've been a whole lot better had Lee stayed in the whole thing.Does anyone know if Samuel Gallu directed any other movies?
ferbs54 Not to be confused with the 1973 Vincent Price/Diana Rigg movie "Theatre of Blood," "Theatre of Death" (1966) gives us the story of a serial killer in modern-day Paris, who stabs victims and drains their blood (kind of like a 20th century Jacques the Ripper). The director of the local Theatre of Death, a Grand Guignol-type of entertainment, falls under suspicion, and, as played by that former neck nosher himself, "Mr. Tall, Dark and Gruesome," Christopher Lee, is is easy to see why. This sneaky, tyrannical, egomaniacal, Svengali-like, mesmerizing petty dictator is one intimidating personage indeed, and a likely suspect, to say the least. Anyway, I must admit that this little film has been stylishly shot and directed, handsomely produced, and well acted by one and all. However, it is also somewhat static, never especially scary or suspenseful, and certainly suffers when Lee's character mysteriously disappears halfway through. Still, it does somehow manage to hold the viewer's attention, although I'm still a trifle puzzled as to WHY the killer decided to go on a sudden homicidal spree, as well as a few other loose ends. To the film's credit, though, that killer's identity DOES come as something of a surprise (well, it did for me, anyway, but I've always been lousy at guessing this kind of thing). Yes, despite that gruesome title, and Mr. Lee's presence, this film IS more of a mystery thriller than a horror picture. Oh, and one other thing: An 11-minute interview with Mr. Lee makes for just one of the many fine extras on the crisp-looking DVD that I just watched.
Theo Robertson I can`t say I`ve ever thought of Christopher Lee as much of an actor . There`s just something about him that makes he think that he`s a sort of British William Shatner in that he`s both totally over the top and very hammy at the same time , and his performances aren`t helped by the fact he`s played a lot of bad guys in very bad movies . Mind you he was an absolute revelation in THE LORD OF THE RINGS and he was also very good in ATTACK OF THE CLONES And to be honest Lee does give one of his better performances in THEATRE OF DEATH . Remember when you were at school and there would be this really nasty teacher with an university degree in sarcasm ? That`s the sort of role Lee plays here as an acting teacher with lines like " Look at you . You`re about as frightening as a baby with a rattle " THEATRE OF DEATH also contains the ironically biting line " Acting in the true sense of the word - in my sense of the word ... " where you can insert your own punchline about Lee`s acting style if you want to be cruel Of all the cast Christopher Lee probably gives the best performance since the rest of the actors are very disappointing especially Julian Glover . It`s also impossible not to notice this but since all the characters are French and the story takes place in Paris there is absolutely no sense of time and place . The audience are only reminded the film is set in France when one of the characters mentions it on screen A word of warning - If you`re going to watch THEATRE OF DEATH expecting a horror film you`re probably going to be disappointed since it`s far more of a murder mystery / whodunnit rather than a straight horror movie
BaronBl00d In the dark streets of Paris, innocent victims mysteriously die, having had all their blood drained from their bodies by sharp punctures. A Theatre of Death, or Grand Guingol theatre, is nearby and a great success, thanks in large part to the efforts of its somewhat mysterious, demented, hypnotic director Phillipe Darvas. Christopher Lee plays the director in this above-average horror-mystery. A friend of the cast, Julian Glover, and a policeman, somehow find that the theater and the mysterious deaths are related. Lots of red herrings in this one and a neat, creative story tying up the loose ends. Not a lot of action but more mood and psychological horror. The setting is Paris but you only know that, because everyone has French names - otherwise it seems like London. Production values are pretty good, and the film boasts some fine scenes such as when two actresses rehearse a Salem witch-burning scene for the first time whilst one is hypnotized by Lee and the house of the director is a truly scary place with a very good painting of Lee that has eyes cut out and a back panel. Good old-fashioned horror here!