The Yellow Wallpaper
The Yellow Wallpaper
| 10 November 2011 (USA)
The Yellow Wallpaper Trailers

The Yellow Wallpaper (Motion Picture) is an "Origins Myth"... rather than a direct adaptation of the famous Charlotte Perkins Gilman story. Drawing from the original short story and a number of Gilmans' other gothic works (The Giant Wisteria, The Unwatched Door, etc.), The Yellow Wallpaper is an original narrative of events that unfold around the actual writing of "The Yellow Wallpaper" short story. After a devastating fire, Charlotte and John rent a countryside house and attempt to start life over, though Charlotte, upon seeing visions of her deceased daughter, retreats to the house's attic and pulls away from her husband and sister. Written by Max Visconti

Console best movie i've ever seen.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
basaproject This is a film which honors patience. It is not for those who need action-packed adrenaline stoking from beginning to end. This is a film for those who appreciate the slow build up to terror of a classic Gothic ghost story.The characters speak slowly in careful Victorian, but Midwestern American, English as the year is 1892. The camera reveals scenes with a languid, sensuality. Yet, there is a discomforting eerie quality that builds as the film progresses. Most of the scenes are outside or within a 100-year old haunted house. A few sequences are of a bleak landscape separating the house from town. The sound track has a threatening undertone. John encounters a rat-killing couple on a bicycle ride into town. The encounter is the first of increasingly bizarre experiences that John, his wife, and sister-in-law, Jennifer have, after renting the house with yellow wallpaper. Suspense builds, like waves, each reaching a bit higher, and the viewer's tension notches up.The film is wonderfully atmospheric and full of symbolic allusion (e.g., town represents safety, where there is civilization, but it is cut off by desert, forest, and distant mountains, thus unattainable for those caught in the web of terror). The stark Victorian mansion, at first, seems to offer a comforting respite for the grief-stricken family. John and Charlotte have lost their daughter in a fire that consumed their previous house. True to its Gothic literary antecedent, however, the house's hidden terrors slowly enrapture and capture its occupants. The descent into terror and madness is a slow but steady incline, not a dash from a spring board.John, a medical doctor, demands that the family maintain its rational, civilized understanding of reality and thus seek understanding of the inexplicable events that begin to occur after moving into the house. Charlotte embraces the irrational-supernatural aura of the house as a means to reconnect with their deceased daughter. Jennifer, the pragmatist, brings in a "ghost-buster" from back east. So, what force will prevail and will the 3 survive as they approach the final horror the house dishes up? The production is first class in all respects. The sets appear historically accurate to the Victorian era. The soundtrack music is wonderfully eerie and then shrieks like Psycho when the viewer's nerves are about to snap with tension. The acting is superb by all 3 of the main characters, and the walk-ons are appropriately creepy. The writing and direction bring to life for 21st Century viewers a classic Gothic tale of terror.
macisaac222 Don't expect this film to do any justice to the short story, hence the "adaptation." If you enjoy period pieces for the accurate sets, costumes etc. then The Yellow Wallpaper may be for you. If you want narration to do the digging for you, again this may be the film for you. On the surface it felt much like your typical horror/thriller with the appropriate high strung music to curdle your insides before the action has even begun. Many of the shots also felt excessive in building the tension. The subject matter seemed strong enough on its own without a series of 'creepy' face close ups. The characters were well cast for their appearance, though the acting felt very... dry? I suppose this was to match a 'gothic' aesthetic. For me, it was disappointing to see such a film baring the name of great Gothic lit, but I can see how some may still find it entertaining in its own right.
llcozzens One is immediately struck by the sad, lush darkness of the film. The key to success is to also make it alluring, which is accomplished both instantly and artfully in The Yellow Wallpaper.The year is 1892. A young married couple, along with the wife's sister, flee the recent disaster of losing their daughter and home in fire. Left with only each other and bit of cash, they receive an invitation to live in another home in a new town. Upon arrival, there is a haze that you're not sure is attributable to summer heat or strangeness of the new situation. Quite quickly, you come to know it may be both. The cast is peppered with film and TV veterans that bring additional gravity to this already haunting material. The score is original and gorgeous.
infilmalongtime Knowing the original script would be somewhat different from the original short story; the creators of this visually exquisite, superbly executed sensation have succeeded in transforming Charlotte Perkins Gilman's fine prose into a masterpiece which will more than likely, become a Cult Classic. The musical scoring is beyond hauntingly superb, driving the sequences beyond thriller limits and maintaining wonderful classical refinements. The 'reveal' of the ending is shockingly appropriate somehow. Though many purists of Gilman's work may find this a bit disturbing, they cannot deny that much of her work has been highly honored in this innovative film version. All contributors deserve accolades. An exquisite accomplishment by director, Logan Thomas. August 11, 2016 - by Karen J Shoaff