The World of Stainboy
The World of Stainboy
| 26 September 2000 (USA)
The World of Stainboy Trailers

Local superhero Stainboy hunts down a series of oddball villains harnessing bizarre powers.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Ashley Bohm I expected this to be a lot better. I love Tim Burton's work, so I was really excited to see these online short films. Well, they weren't at all what I had expected.I don't really know what exactly it is I don't like. I guess they're just sort of dull. The sound bothers me, and most of the characters, although I loved Roy the Toxic Boy, and Stainboy.The Match Girl episode probably bugged me the most, although it was pretty funny.I also don't like the way some of the characters die. Like how Match Girl basically set the gas station on fire, or how the Girl Who Stares died, in general. Roy's death was amusing, surprisingly. Death by a car freshener. Very original ;-) That made me laugh so hard...There are some things that aren't appropriate for kids. Just some language and gore. That's about all I have to say! 3/10
dthibo Stain Boy was created by Tim Burton,Stain Boy does not have any powers except for the fact that stains come out of his body. Stain Boy is an internet series. The episodes are,"The Birth of Stain Boy", "Toxic Boy", "Staring Girl", "Robot Boy", "Match Girl", and "Bowling Ball Head". All of the episodes (except for 1) name the villains that Stain Boy has to defeat. Sgt. Glen Dale is the guy who tells Stain Boy who to defeat and where they live or stay. In "The Birth of Stain Boy" you find out that less than a week after Stain Boy was born his dad wanted to get rid of him his mom did not want to but she gave up, the last thing she said to Stain Boy was "He's right you are a freak, but remember I'll always love you thats what mothers do." Well thats my comment on Stain Boy, Bye!:)
Tommy Nelson stars: Glenn Shaddix as The Police Chief.This is really weird. Its about superhero Stainboy that never really does anything to stop the villain but always prevails. He fights such enemies as Match Lady, Staring girl, Toxic Boy and others. Stainboy never talks, but instead everyone else does. In every episode he is pestered by the chief (Shaddix from Burton's Beetlejuice and Nightamre Before Christmas). They are directed and written by Tim Burton and even the music for these are done by Danny Elfman. 6 episodes were made, the last of which amused me the most.Contains some animated violence/gore and some language.My rating-B.
independantyam It is difficult to describe what Stainboy is. What we can say is that Stainboy is another one of Burton's darkly mischievous and funny creations. Directly from his book The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, Burton takes Stainboy's character from a sketch to a full-fledged character who tackles his counterparts in, well, rather unique ways.The series is almost a parody of superheroes (what kind of a power is staining, anyways?), yet you as the viewer will indefinitely find yourself cheering him on towards success. Although the villains aren't as evil as they could be (and bizarre nonetheless), the creators have envisioned a world mirroring our own, where superheroes are simply strange creatures, and life is simply screwed up.