The Witch's Sabbath
The Witch's Sabbath
| 22 October 2005 (USA)
The Witch's Sabbath Trailers

A murderous coven of witches open a sexy strip club to lure in unsuspecting sacrifice victims in this erotic tale of terror from genre specialist Jeff Leroy. As Halloween draws near, a coven of witches must claim the heads of 666 victims in order to usher in the arrival of the Dark Lord and maintain their evil power. With only days to go before their deadline arrives, the satanic sirens open the "Sin and Skin" gentlemen's club in hopes of reaching their goal and achieving ultimate power. As the clueless victims are lured to the witches' lavish mansion and offered one final meal, their dark goal comes ever closer to being fully realized. On this night, though, the evil coven has underestimated the determination of their dinner guest to see another sunrise, and before the night is over these witches are in for one hell of a deadly surprise

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Cunninghamolga This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
jetsetter00 Witch's Sabbath is about a Witch's Coven which needs to sacrifice 666 people for their souls by beheading them, while their hearts are still beating, before the arrival of their Dark Lord. The witch's double as strippers and run a strip club where they hand pick their victims and invite them back to their home for dinner parties. This Horror film has obviously been made on a low budget and this is reflected in some of the cheaper looking effects. However, there are some great severed head scenes and Syn Devil's facial deterioration towards the end of the film is impressive. The cast try very hard to inject fear and reality into their performances but therefore become much more entertaining than I'm sure they ever thought they could be. The mandatory exposing of breasts becomes OTT as there is no sex of any description at any point in the film although there is lots - and lots - of Pole dancing to compensate. I enjoyed this film as I found lots of moments within it (which I'm certain are not meant to be)absolutely hilarious, such as the physical appearance of the long awaited Dark Lord. This gave the film another dimension and actually made it more watchable!! Syn Devil's incredibly bad boob job (which is visible throughout the film)and the witch who never speaks but is always rubbing her breasts make for some very entertaining scenes. If you want to watch a horror movie which has lots of gore, naked breasts and is inadvertently very, very funny then this is for you.
danthewrestlingmanorigin I am kind of undecided on this film, so i'll just tell you the good and bad points, and let you decide. First the good, the Vampire women, and Syn De Vil in particular are smoking hot, and topless for almost the whole film. Although they do commit the cardinal sin, of teasing girl on girl, and not delivering, had they gone through with it, I might have awarded another point. The other high point is the gore, which was pretty good, and frequent for a low budget film, and includes heads', and spines being ripped out of victims', while still alive. Now the bad, the acting here was quite awful, and the film drags at times in the middle. Even at eighty five minutes, I feel this movie could have been edited down, as the beginning and end were quite entertaining, I just found myself falling asleep during the character development parts in between, as the performances weren't very good, and I really just wanted them to be sacrificed, and get it over with. What this film lacked is a good sexy money shot, as I said above if you tease a lesbian encounter, you had better give it up, or people will be disappointed. Also while the film delivers the T, they scoff at us A lovers, and keep the underwear on. All in all, the gore was very good, and the women were easy on the eyes', so I say give it a go.
moviemanic07 A coven of female witches, whose only magical power seems to be able to surgically-enhance their breasts, want to lure six-hundred-and-sixty-six victims to their house in order, I believe, to bring Satan into the world for a visit. All I can say, I'm glad they killed the vast bulk of their victims in their back story because I don't know how much more of this movie I could have taken! (Plus, I don't think the witches would have gone through all of the trouble themselves if they knew how goofy Satan would look when he finally appeared.) All I can say is that director Jeff Leroy is Fred Olen Ray without the talent. (That was a sentence I would have never imagined myself writing, but at least Ray has rudimentary technical skills. This is just a mess.) No atmosphere. The witches' house is just a normal suburban house on a normal street -- though it is sometimes surrounded by terrible CG clouds. The acting is bad. The breasts are fake. It isn't scary. It isn't funny. It isn't sexy. The action is badly staged. The victims just cower and beg for mercy. No one bothers to put up a fight! The story makes no sense. Just terrible. Granted, I am willing to test the depths of the bottom of the barrel when it comes to horror films, but I can't see who this film would appeal to other than horny twelve-year-old boys with no access to cable or the internet. Even Ron Jeremy should be ashamed of this film.
Frank Mackie I love a good B movie like the next guy, but this doesn't even qualify as that! Bad all around. I wonder how the producers ever got this project off the ground? And someone tell Syn Devil that she can't act and she should sue the doctor that gave her that bad breast job! The world has a Fran Dresher, we don't need another one with less talent. In fact that would be a far better horror movie: A young actress tries to improve her looks and has two watermelons attached to her chest and they take on a life of their own! I should have known this film was going to be bad with the famous words: Produced by Dave Sterling. I think he must have sold his soul to someone to make movies, only the devil has him turning out this dreck.Story? None. Editing? Not really. Anything going for it? An aged Ron Jeremy who must have lost a bet to be put in this film.