The War of the Robots
The War of the Robots
| 26 April 1978 (USA)
The War of the Robots Trailers

An alien civilization, which facing eminent extinction, kidnaps two famous genetic scientists from Earth. A troop of soldiers is dispatched to combat the humanoid robots and rescue the victims.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Rainey Dawn Everything in this film reeks of lifting many ideas from the original Star TREK TV series! The bridge with the big screen for viewing, personal quarters, the crew is from planet Earth, monitors on the ship for viewing communications with crew-mates, sliding doors, color coded uniforms, aliens holding hostages, etc... I kept expecting to see a rip-off of a Vulcan (Mr. Spock) walk onto the screen. The only Star Wars influence I really see here are the laser-swords and the end fighting where they seem to be mimicking Skywalker and the guys in X-wing fighters, plus Darth Empress saying something about "leave that one to me" (she wanted to get him like Vader did Luke) but mainly the film is borrowing heavily from Star TREK TV series.Story of this movie is OK, special effects fun, terrible acting, but the movie is kinda fun to watch, I'd rather watch Star Trek but this is not a downright awful film to view.5/10
medaref You don't need to know what this movie's about. Trust me. It doesn't matter. If you insist on watching it, then you either enjoy utter nonsense and will accept anything, or you're a masochist like me and will sit through every movie in a sci-fi collection just so you can say you did it. But what did I really think of it, you ask? Painful. Very, very painful. I know, bad movies are fun, right? No, sometimes they're just tedious and annoying. Plot, characters, acting, fx, sound, music... if the intention was to create something mind-numbingly bad in every facet of movie- making, then the producers of this piece had a special talent for it. Otherwise, on completion of the movie, everyone associated should have been sterilized to prevent further contamination of the gene pool.
BA_Harrison Professor Carr (Jacques Herlin) and his attractive assistant Lois (Malisa Longo) are abducted by silver skinned aliens in bad wigs, who are later revealed to be androids ruled by a wicked empress intent on ruling the galaxy. Rather inconveniently, the professor is the only person alive with the know-how to prevent the potentially catastrophic explosion of a malfunctioning Earth satellite, and so a perilous rescue mission is quickly launched, with Captain John Boyd (Antonio Sabato) in command of the spaceship Trissa (the name of the company that provided the film with its funky PVC space suits!).Never ones to ignore a trend, opportunistic Italian directors quickly jumped on the late-70s sci- fi bandwagon, churning out some amazingly horrendous films in the process; one such effort was The War of the Robots, a pulp sci-fi stinker that clearly aimed to mimic both Star Wars and Star Trek, but which missed the mark in almost every way imaginable, providing none of the spectacle, excitement and technical wizardry of those particular films, but plenty in the way of unintentional laughs as Boyd and his brave crew spout ridiculous 'futuristic' space jargon, are repeatedly duped by obvious traitors, and do battle with wave upon wave of inadequate androids that possess all the fighting prowess of a bath sponge (whether it be with a gun, a laser sword or a space-craft, the robots seem incapable of killing their enemies).Other silliness includes a couple of pathetic space-walks, a Texan character with a distinctly un-Texan accent, a minor character called General Gonad (snigger), the dullest space dogfights imaginable, and a sub-plot that sees shapely crew-member Julie (Yanti Somer) holding a torch for Captain Boyd, who remains oblivious to her obvious charms until the film's heartwarming finale, when he finally realises that, despite a rather unflattering Ziggy Stardust haircut, she is a total babe (as are all the women in his crew, whose PVC space suits appear to be a tad tighter than those worn by their male counterparts!).
catfish-er I am working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and WAR OF THE ROBOTS (La guerra dei robot)is the fifteenth movie in the set. Released in 1977, WAR OF THE ROBOTS suffers from sub-par special effects and sometime molasses-slow pacing. But that's not the point.The film features stunning cinematography, beautiful sets, elaborate costumes, and wonderful background images. The score is incredible... perhaps the best-part of the film. It propels the action forward, or provides a sublime backdrop. It is never intrusive; but, rather is part and parcel of the action. Also, I found the acting quite credible. And, the dubbing (where necessary) quite good.The best performance in this one goes to Aldo Conti, who played "Kuba the Alien!" The plot is strong, if not a little bit like contemporary films of the genre. But, best, is the twist toward the latter half of the film, as the rescuers find their missing comrades. This was quite a surprise; and, led to an excellent (but drawn out) way to wrap up the story!