The Unseen
The Unseen
| 17 July 2016 (USA)
The Unseen Trailers

A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he risks everything to find her, including exposing the fact that he is becoming invisible.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.