The Unknown
The Unknown
| 06 October 2000 (USA)
The Unknown Trailers

Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
HumanoidOfFlesh Five young biologists stumble across what looks like the remains of an alien creature while conducting soil research in a burned Swedish forest.The members of the group start to act strange one by one..."The Unknown" by Michael Hjorth is obviously inspired by "The Blair Witch Project" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".The acting of unknown cast is convincing and the atmosphere of paranoia is well-captured.The film was shot with hand-held cameras.We can't even see 'the creature' properly."The Unknown" relies more on the power of suggestion than cheap shocks and gore.If you enjoyed "Dark Woods" or "The Blair Witch Project" give this one a chance.The burned forest is truly eerie.7 out of 10.
Aarseth1721 When I was going to see this movie, I had an open mind. Low budget Swedish film should have lit a warning lamp in my head, but not enough to avoid seeing it! 'Cause this is a really, really horrible movie with a plot that is sooo cheasy, you can't possibly imagine why, oh why, they got money whatsoever to make this movie. The whole story is set to the no-man-lands in Sweden where it have been a forest fire. 4 young Swedish scientists comes to this area to see what the impact in the nature have been. As they search through the area for evidences, one of the crew members find a dead thing in which they can't identify. They take it with them home, due to perform an autopsy later. When they later on do that, it turns out that this thing is something none of them have ever seen. They leave it outside, but a little bit later, they find out that it's gone. In fact, this "thing" start to infect one by one of the crew with a disease that make them go crazy, and makes them start to hunt on the others. Just as crappy as the plot, the movie is a real horrific show-off in "how to not make a movie"-genre! Mark my words, this is a movie you WANT to avoid!
Motorskallen I liked this movie! The director of the film, Anders Jacobsson, who is more wellknown for the splattermovie "Evil Ed", did an excellent job when he did this creepy horror movie. I voted and gave it 9 out of 10. The only thing I miss is good acting. And this is - except from Poltergeist - the only horror movie I've ever seen in which nobody dies, and I got dissapointed on the end.And I never understood one thing - what was it they found in the forrest? Was it a fried chicken or an overlarge rotten hamburger?
Nikita Averin Five geologists go out to a forest, where a quite big area has burned down, to investigate the reasons for this happening. They find a species that has never been seen before and soon, one of the geologists starts to behave strangely. Does this creature has anything to do with the fire and with the accidents that occur?I can't really say that I had high expectations on this hybrid of "The Blair Which Project" (1999) and "Body Snatchers" (1993), but I have to admit, that it wasn't bad at all. The acting and the directing is fair, not sensational, but still good. The script is cleverer than I could ever have imagined from this movie: there are surprisingly many one-liners and some sequences are exciting and even kind of scary in its best bits. The only thing that drags the rating down a bit is the shaky camera work, similar to the one in "The Blair Which Project". I honestly felt sick after half an hour, not to mention how I felt afterwards. Otherwise, an overall good movie, but don't forget to bring a bag with you - simply in case of emergency. Rating: 6/10