The Uninvited
The Uninvited
| 08 August 2003 (USA)
The Uninvited Trailers

An engaged interior designer sees two small girls on the subway train that die there. He sees them again in his apartment. A woman he meets can also see them. He talks to her about his forgotten childhood.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
zzoaozz This movie is full of death. Death of children, death of cats, justified death, unfair death, death covered up, death revealed.It's the story of man who should be happy with his life but at its very peak events begin to move around him opening up a past best left forgotten and a gift that is more of a curse.There is nothing happy in this movie, no good endings to anyone or for anyone, but it is well woven and absorbing, it reaches right into the darkest places in your own mind and resonates with the despair you keep hidden away there.Most people will hate it, those that fear the darkness in themselves. But those who like to drag the shadows into the light and study them with curiosity will love this movie.
refresh daemon The Uninvited is a frustrating film because it has a lot going for it, including a great premise, beautiful production values, a great eye for picture and even capable actors. The problem is that, like many of the weaker Corean films, the script itself suffers from a bit of a convoluted, misdirected and sometimes pointless story. Not to say that there aren't good ideas and even characters in the story, but the story itself is weak because it doesn't really follow a meaningful trajectory and sometimes seems to double back on itself.Nonetheless, there's a lot that's positive about the film. The Uninvited has tremendous power in the way that it creates its atmosphere. There is clearly a sense of uneasiness and brooding even without the supernatural elements. The art, set and production design is often excellent in both being art, but also seeming to fit right into the reality of the setting. The director and director of photography together have an amazing eye for lighting as well as camera direction and some of the mis-en-scene reveals are quite potent.Also, I was impressed by the actors; the protagonist, played by Park Shin-Yang, who I'd only seen before in a gangster versus monk comedy, surprisingly carries his everyman suffering with visions aptly and Gianna Jun (Jun Ji-Hyun) plays surprisingly well the quiet and depressed psychic well. All the side players cover their roles well too.The story itself does have a lot going for it. Dealing with past trauma as well as the effect of knowing terrible truths. Unfortunately, the inability to focus on the characters and their decisions, the sometimes contrived and unexplained ways to introduce problems, and the lack of narrative or emotional resolution cause it to be quite a frustrating view in the end.I can't recommend The Uninvited, but if you don't necessarily need a strong story and want to witness a rather striking work that explores the above-mentioned theme while gathering a rather impressive atmosphere, you could check this out. Passable on those merits, but not choice viewing due to a weak story. There needs to be a stronger division of labor in Corea--good directors that are weak writers need to be paired with stronger writers. 6/10.
Mafco Mafco Wow this movie disappointed me so much, I love Korean horror movies but this movie is falsely marketed as a horror i.m.o. I had high expectations after reading some reviews, but Uninvited is just emotional drama with a few super national elements. It doesn't even try to be scary. It starts out great with those two kids, but at the end it just went on and on in slow motion, even after it was more than obvious what the point of the movie was. The story went into a direction which seems dull to me. I liked the visual style and I have nothing against drama or a slightly confusing plot in a Korean horror movie such as in A Tale of two sisters, but Uninvited really isn't horror although the back of the DVD case promises the viewer a chilling horror movie. I respect peoples opinion for liking it but horror fans beware!
urgrue-2 Warning: Minor spoilersThis film is a bit like a good rough draft that, with more work, could've become something quite interesting. The basic premise is good, about suppressed memories and how they can affect us. It takes its time setting up the characters and scenarios, and the story slowly unravels before us.It's not horror, or thriller exactly, but a rather horrific tale of trauma and loss. The film is mostly very calm and distinctly un-gruesome, but there are some quite disturbing images that are likely to haunt you for quite a while. But this is a very different film from what you might think of at the term "Asian Horror". It's main failing is that it doesn't seem to really know what to do, or where to go. It begins with a rather "thriller" approach, with the mystery of two dead girls appearing before our main character, but this event is actually just used as a mood-setter and hook. But nobody let's us know about that, so the viewer is constantly wondering when we'll return to the two dead kids, and how they relate to the story. The movie then seems to head in the direction of a drama, as our main character becomes very interested in a rather disturbed, mysterious woman. You almost think the film is going to be a melancholic love story, but not so. It then becomes a mystery about this woman, what her past is, what her situation is, and trying to find out what's troubling her. But somewhat later the focus is brought back to the main character and his (unmentioned so far) childhood traumas. All in all, the film is a collection of good ideas, some excellent scenes, and quite clever plot elements, but it lacks real unity. Threads are started only to be dropped, others are picked up that were never really introduced, and the focus just keeps shifting from one theme to another without ever actually developing into much.Throughout, the main character behaves in completely unnatural ways. This could've been used as an effect, to illustrate how the character is crippled by his past traumas, and maybe this is the intention. But it just doesn't work that way. For more than half the film I was wondering what kind of idiot this guy is - only later is there given any hint of the fact that he has some past issues troubling him.Overall, the rather interesting themes are left almost completely undeveloped on any intellectual level, and the movie ends up as wasted potential. Other filmmakers should watch this film and cannibalize its better ideas.