The Undefeated
The Undefeated
PG-13 | 15 July 2011 (USA)
The Undefeated Trailers

A documentary that chronicles Sarah Palin's pre-political life; her tenure as Governor of Alaska, and her time spent as John McCain's running mate.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
JMLinLA I did watch this movie with an opened mind. It is a documentary about "part" of Sarah Palin's life. I enjoyed it. You cannot watch this movie expecting special effects or amazing story. It's a documentary about her life. PERIOD. I read some of the reviews and it seems that people were expecting something else. It's a documentary.Where I'm shocked is when I realized how much hate there is towards her. Most from the "Left". I knew that the "Left" never liked her. I guess you always fear threats to yourself. They called her stupid in every way possible. Can't be worse of what's in Washington now! Anyhow, strangely enough, most reviews you read about this documentary reflect the first minute of this film. Pure baseless hate, if only by fear.Yes, I learned from that movie. Learned to appreciate strength of character. Learned that the "Left" needs to develop skill of debating issues and not simply hate. Go ahead, start hating me... But you must appreciate this movie for what it is, a documentary about a very strong woman, a woman who never said one bad word about anybody and yet keeps being hit by mindless commentators.
lemhi77 Sarah Palin is the antidote to rise of the Orwellian left. Those that fail to recognize the value of this woman as a champion for individual liberty and freedom have either been poorly educated or are lost in the fog of their emotional bias. Her ability to overcome the entrenched political establishment of both parties shows a personal character, courage and success rarely seen in politics. A sustained 80+ approval rating reflects this point. The lefts Allinsky tactics to paralyze her administration shows you the danger we as a country face when we get a highly organized and dangerous Marxist administration in our White House. I hope she shows up to an OPEN CONVENTION and persuades all delegates to join her for a campaign against the Stalinist Obama.
hms5 I am a political moderate and don't agree with Sarah Palin on such things as religion, evolution, abortion and gay rights. However, as the movie shows she is a remarkable fine woman who has done wonderful things in Alaska by fighting corruption and fighting the oil companies so that Alaska could get its fair share of oil money.The movie starts by showing the unrestrained and even insane hatred some liberals, leftists and show biz people have for her: about 5 minutes or more of prominent people in the media doing obscenity laden rants of hatred looking like they want to murder Sarah Palin on the spot. That was scary to watch.The rest of the movie is all pro Palin, but it is true information. Some of the parts have over-dramatic symbolic things going on. Also, it does show some of the sneering media attacks on her to falsely portray her as dumb. The hatred against her has not slowed down even as one can see in many of the reviews here. The Obama supporters have put in hateful reviews and dumped here a mass of scores of "one." It is very doubtful that even a modest portion of them actually watched the movie.They have this rabid insane hatred of Sarah Palin because she is a threat to Obama staying in the White House and other liberal politicians staying in power. Also, the truth makes people furious. To counter the truth they tell lies about Sarah Palin. They don't want any open minded people seeing this movie. Yes, even though the movie is all pro Palin it is good because it gives her real life story. I give it a 9 score.
dogbardave Good rebuttal to the character assassination by the media at large. I found the documentary interesting, and it filled in some info gaps. Obviously, it's a "fluff piece," but I think she deserved it, given the unabashed and undeserved criticism she has had to endure.It's ironic that she championed "the little people" but has been hammered by the libs and press. It's likely because she's 1) a mom, 2) a rural person, 3) she didn't attend a schmancy college, 4) she is a woman of the Christian faith, and 5) she is a conservative, and as such, all hell was unleashed against her.I recall when I heard her VP acceptance speech that it was electrifying, honest, and fresh. That's why people hate her. Go Sarah!