The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
| 21 May 2011 (USA)
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For the past fifty years, conspiracy theories have become a prevalent topic of discussion and cause for great alarm, growing into a truly global phenomenon. Dean Haglund (The X-Files) reveals the Comedy, Consciousness and Conspiracy of a world gone mad.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Barry Campbell Not what I expected...better! Dean is the perfect "investigator" for this subject - conspiracy theories! He brings his personal blend of insight, irreverence, honesty, empathy, and comedy to bear with a series of interesting (to say the least) conspiracy theorists! Even though the film is over 2 hours long, the pacing keeps you glued to the screen. The production quality is top notch, first rate. Every modern conspiracy theory you've ever heard (and a few you haven't) is explored with some explanations you know, and quite a few you don't! The documentary-style film is entertaining and educational and leaves you wanting more! See it!
stephenjturner Full disclosure: I know the director and count him as a good friend. I am not what you'd call a movie buff, and don't sit around thinking deep thoughts about character development or lighting. I gave it a nine because tens don't exist.I went to the premier of this film in San Jose (perhaps Cupertino...but that only matters if you know where Cupertino is, and the people in Cupertino don't even know). I will tell all of you what I told Phil Lierness: I didn't stop thinking about the film for at least 24 hrs after seeing it. It was very thought provoking, challenging and it did indeed surprise me. My reaction to the people was wholly unexpected...much more accepting and a lot less dismissive than I thought. A good night, watching both the film and the subsequent podcast with Dean and Phil (who have an amazing rapport), and some lessons well learned.And that's all I got to say about that.
Jacki-S I am not a typical conspiracy theorist and while they go through my head, I try not to focus on them. Going to see this film was big for me because I was conflicted at what I want to know versus not wanting to know. While watching the film, I was not always sure where it was going. Some ideas were out there and comical and others re-iterated ones I have heard before. What was the surprise was the way the director weaved the film and its stories together in such a way that by the end, I was feeling different than I thought I would. There is a message from several different theorists that leave you with a feeling of hope. This was not the film I thought it would be and as the director states in his podcast that I stayed afterwords to watch, the film took on a path of it's own and I believe that is why it was a success to finish the way the director allowed it. You will laugh out loud at parts, turn your head sideways at other parts and think when you really need to about reality. It is my strong recommendation that you listen to the podcast (I get it from itunes- chillpak Hollywood hour, but I know there are other sources) from after the US Premier on May 21st, 2011. The star and director share their thoughts on the film and people in them. They are articulate and thought provoking with their comments and added a lot of respect to the film for me. The director ends the podcast on one of the best and touching notes that I have heard in a while, but don't listen to the podcast until you see this film.
chris wright This is an interesting film by an accomplished film maker (Phil Leirness). I enjoyed the film even though i had little interest in Dean Haglund. The first half of the film is more focused on the chaotic nature of Dean's life and the interest of his fans. As the film develops more time is given to the deeper concepts such as: Why do some people feel the need to dis-trust government so much? Whats important in life?Also, the film considers questions like: Do some people behave in such a way because they have empty lives? When they get to the "answer" to their "question" will they feel better?I found the questions and answers the film looked to answer and found to be helpful, and am happy that film makers have the time to make films that are able to question issues such as these. At the end of the film i came to the conclusion (mostly thanks to the scenes of Dean's brother-in-law and sister) that life is short and the smaller we keep our view of the world the more likely our lives are to be happy. Complicating our lives with things we have no chance of changing or understanding only makes us unhappy.