The Toybox
The Toybox
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
The Toybox Trailers

It all began so innocently for two children growing up in the deepest countryside, their imaginations set ablaze by a book on local myths and legends. Berenice convinces her younger brother Brian that she is the reincarnation of a witch with the powers to put everything right. As they grow up Brian becomes emotionally dependent on his sister, so that when she returns to the family home for Christmas with her new boyfriend he feels totally betrayed. At the same time a man strongly resembling the mythical Jake the Mid-Folker is closing in. An overwhelming sense of impending horror surrounds the house, but is the enemy outside - or is the enemy within?

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Wordiezett So much average
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
xtehxsammehx Wow. So my boyfriend and I went to the movie store to rent a film. I like dumb horror movies, so I browsed the variety of terrible films they had to offer while he went off in search of Michael Moore's 'Sicko'. So then I found the worst of all of them (as I would soon find out). It looked good on the cover and the description on the back seemed decent enough. The fact that there was an IMDb quote on it as a review was proof that it would be bad in a good way. So the next night, we put it in the DVD player and from the first five minutes, we were so incredibly confused.The movie is utterly incoherent, with badly placed time-jumps from past to future that leave you asking a major 'WTF?' The plot has no sort of coherent story -- other than the vague allusion to a local myth about a murder, but this only actually comes into play in the movie in the last twenty minutes of it. So pretty much for the first hour you have this: random, confusing time jumps; incoherent plot; parents who don't age; bad acting; bad dialogue; a boy who magically changes hair colour; and a host of obnoxious characters for you to get bored with!The movie moves so slow that it's a chore to actually sit there and watch. I'd rather be scrubbing the toilets, honestly. Don't bother with it.
brady-k The Toybox was a really good watch. It bought together visual tastiness with a juicy narrative and, at the risk of this sounding like a junior cookbook recipe, created a creamy dose of well needed British horror.I especially like the inclusion of animations withing the film. It helped to create a certain tone that was held throughout. There are some random moments like unexpected clowns appearing from nowhere but this helps to control the films unique identity by leaving some questions unanswered. The movie includes some quality acting from the likes of Suzanne Bertish and although not all of the other actors could keep up this pace none created a noticeable let down for me.I can definitely recommend this for a decent watch
guykward From the very beginning the film has you in its morbid and twisted grip. A story of myth and legends set against the solitude of the Norfolk countryside, it has all the hallmarks of a very modern British horror. This film snaps along at a cracking pace never giving you a moment to gather yourself together. Elliot Jordan, who plays Brian Usher, has real screen presence that you simply cannot take your eyes away from him, and you'd be advise not too as his character descends into what proves to be a fatal spiral of madness and carnage for all concerned. Brian's sister Berenice and is played by Claudine Spiteri, she brings a real sense of glamour to the rather stark and bleak surroundings. More importantly for me Claudine has something 'other worldly about her', she positively resonates on the screen. But for me the show is stolen just ever so slightly by the vampish Madeline Usher, their mother and played by Suzanne Bertish with consummate skill and with such reality I would find it hard to say where the smouldering, drinking mother ends and Suzanne begins – she simply inhabits the role and makes it her own.The Direction is assured and the editing never once allows the pace to wander. Considering this was shot digitally it has nothing other than a film feel. THe colours are lush and vibrant. The snow tinged exteriors are wonderful.Watch out for the dinner party scene, it's brilliant. Here we have Berenice's timid boyfriend Conrad played perfectly by Craig Henderson. it is a typical family meal of bickering but it feels like a car crash happening with poor Conrad becoming the object of Madeline's desire. As the drink flows and Madeline's blouse plunges you feel nothing but pity for the shy Conrad, to the extent that you will want to cover your eyes with discomfort, the tension here is palpable. Family gatherings, we've all been there!I would certainly recommend this film you certainly won't be disappointed.
thither I really wanted to like this movie, because it is refreshingly different from the hordes of everyday horror movie clones, and I appreciate that the filmmakers are trying for something original. Unfortunately, the plot just didn't hold together and none of the characters were likable enough for me to really care about them or their fates.Visually, The Toybox was pretty interesting. The director took a lot of somewhat risky moves, like adding in little bits of (Flash-looking) animation in parts and really cheesing up some of the special effects (such as the light from a certain amulet). Sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn't, but he deserves kudos for the attempt, and the cinematography was generally of high quality.Unfortunately, when this same approach of throwing lots of things at the wall to see what sticks was applied to the plot, the results were not very good. The film never really finds a tone that it likes, moving schizophrenically from black comedy to family soap opera to 80's witchcraft flick to childhood nostalgia to embattled-family slasher. Taken on their own, bits and pieces of each of these elements work fairly well, but nothing ever coheres into a satisfying whole. Besides that, large bits of the plot are never really explained. I'm not one who likes to have everything spoon-fed to me, and I like movies that leave things up to the audience to decide, but the parts that are left out from The Toybox just seem like they either ran out of money before they could explain them or they didn't really think things through to begin with.I look forward to the director's next project, since I think there is a lot of talent lurking under the surface here, but I can't really recommend The Toybox on its own merits.