The Thirsty Dead
The Thirsty Dead
PG | 06 September 1974 (USA)
The Thirsty Dead Trailers

Beautiful young girls are kidnapped off the streets of Manila by a death cult that needs their blood to remain immortal.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mark.waltz When exotic dancer Judith McConnell wants to sign up to be kidnapped for white slavery, she gets more than she bargained for. Along with innocent buy equally buxom Jennifer Billingsley, they end up somewhere seemingly in the amazon jungles where a cult of blood drinkers hope to stay young forever. Actually, this has the look of "Lost Horizon", too, and I had to keep myself from breaking into the songs of Burt Bacharach and Hal David from the musical version of that James Hilton fantasy novel which came out the same year.Watchable but obviously hideous, this just continues to get sillier as it goes by. A group of unwashed jungle natives with hideously ugly long nails add even more weirdness to the film, and at times, I also expected Maria Montez to show up looking for the cobra jewel. The actors keep straight faces throughout, especially John Considine as the presumed cult leader. This is one of those bad movies that just has to be seen to be believed. I enjoyed it more for the fact that I was seeing a few veteran soap actors (McConnell and Considine) in major film roles long before I knew them from daytime.
Rainey Dawn I read reviews on this movie stating that it's reminiscent of the original Star Trek TV series - then I watched the film and they aren't kidding. The entire film feels like Kirk and Spock will show up at any given moment. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't give the film an original feel or overall look.As far as the story goes - it's strange too. 4 women are kidnapped and taken to an island by a man named Baru and Ranu. The 4 women are relaxed generally speaking - minus one, Laura, and she just seems a little bit nervous but not in a panic over being kidnapped and held captive. Human sacrifices are necessary for the cult on the island to survive - to live forever on fresh human blood.The movie is a mild horror film - it's not bloody, no language concerns and no nudity.It's an OK film - it's not great but it's mildly entertaining in an odd sort of way.4/10
artpf Beautiful young girls are kidnapped off the streets of Manila by a death cult that needs their blood to remain immortal.Apparently, back in the 70's the dark streets of Manilla were littered with hot blonde white chicks. They get captured by crimson hooded guys and offer no resistance whatsoever.The movie is fairly typical of these Philippine 70's films. Dark, little real action and the same music over and over, all filmed on grainy high speed over saturated 35 mm.There was a documentary made about these movies recently and apparently, there was little safety on the sets and sometimes stunt men died! I guess Marcos made it very advantageous to make movies here back then because so many cheapo horror/girls in prison films were made there.This movie follows the same format and if you are a fan of the genre because the films are so bad, you'll probably like it. It's a fun midnight movie to laff at.
Bezenby Now this is a strange one! I'm not sure what thought process would lead to the making of such a film, and I'm pretty sure, despite the American leads, that this must be a Fillipino production. It's a strange mix of cult, vampire, jungle adventure with some hilarious fashions and grooviness chucked in for a laugh. Sure, it's all very tame and slow moving, but when the cheese in the mix is a strong Gorgonzola, you can forgive such shortcomings.Chicks are being kidnapped from the streets of Manila, including Laura (who's just refused a marriage proposal from her boyfriend) and Claire, who dances in a cage and actually seems quite excited about being made a white slave, plus two others, and are transported through the jungle by some guys to an underground cave system, where everyone worships a disembodied head that lives in a red glass box (and talks!). Seems like Laura might be the chosen one, as the high priest drew a picture of her (check out this guy's high collared get-up!), and the others have been selected to be milked for blood for the cult to extend their lives indefinitely, as long as they don't leave the compound. Somehow, Laura doesn't quite take to the idea of being kidnapped and then offered her friend's blood to drink, and with the help of a wizened old woman (which is the end result of being milked for blood), she tries to escape. Complication matters further is her blossoming love with the high priest (and vice versa) and the demented Claire's attempts to be the chosen one. The High Priestess isn't too happy with proceedings, and a chase through the jungle ensues. It's all a bit tame, but then again I didn't fall asleep and kept in there until the seventies style ending. Recommended for those curious about obscure films, and those with low expectations.